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One week after that warm evening with Kaeya, I knew I had to move on, and so I tried. I had to bear and carry this weight on my shoulders and keep moving forward so it wouldn't be the last thing I'd do, no matter how painful that'd be.

But I'd rather make my mind too busy to think about it. Wouldn't be too bad either... Anything to numb the pain would be good at this point.

But nothing too tragic like get myself drunk or drugged, that's not me. I'll just... continue my routine. Keep doing my commissions and talk with my friends... as if nothing ever happened. That's one way to move on, isn't it? It's not like I'm just sweeping everything under the rug, right...?

(Ah... seems like I already completed my daily commissions for today. I better get my rewards with Katherine.)

I walk back to Mondstadt and greet the guards at the gates. When I step inside town, I realized it wasn't as lively as the first time I saw it.

(Stormterror's attacks to Mondstadt had left the city shooken.... I hope Traveler helps the city recover and purify Dvalin soon enough.)

I get my rewards with Katherine and take a short walk up the stairs and near the fountain. I look at my reflection in the water, silent.

(I did my daily tasks already, but I don't feel like going home yet. Should I explore Mondstadt a bit? Or perhaps go to the Favonious Headquarters' library to study Teyvat's language...?)

Just when I was about to decide my plans for the day, I heard a bark from not so far away.


I turned around to where I heard the bark come from and what I saw made my eyes sparkle and my heart beat faster. A dog came from behind Blanche's store and came at me, with swagging tail.

Oh my god...!!

I covered my mouth with a hand  to not squeal in cuteness and another one clutched against my chest as if I was scared my heart would pop out at any moment when the dog rolled on the floor and layed on its back, clearly asking for attention.

Aww! I can't resist this cuteness overload, this is the best thing I have seen all day!!

I wasted no time and kneeled next to the dog, patting and rubbing his belly with a big goofy smile.

Look at you! Oh my good, look at this happy and handsome fella! Do you like the attention I'm giving you? Do you?

The dog seemed to smile just as happy as me as he panted, his tongue out. I held back a squeal when he got up and licked me all over my face. I continued to pat and rub his back as his tail swagged happily at my touch.

Hehe, yeah, I'm talking to you! You're so cute when you're happy. Such a good boy you are!

(So, so, so cute...!! Who would've known simple things as patting random dogs on the street could bring me so much serotonin! Maybe.... that's what I needed, after all. Just some cuteness for an energy boost.)

Who's a good boy? Who is the goodest boy in the whole world? Hmm? That's right, you are! That's you!

Can it be my turn next, please?

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