"No, nicknames!" she snapped, pointing at him.

Karma kept smiling, placing his hands on his hips. "You're an assassin, right?" He raised an eyebrow. "This whole class working together can't kill this monster, and you're going to kill him all by yourself?"

Bitch-sensei smiled crookedly. "Brat. Grown-ups have their own grown-up way of doing things," she said smugly. She looked over her shoulder. "You must be Nagisa Shiota right?"

"Uh...?" Nagisa's eyes widened.

"Uh oh Kayano, someone's after your man~" Sora teased, earning a surprised noise from the greenette.


Without saying a word, Bitch-sensei walked over and kissed him.


The whole class was in awe, with some of the boys looking impressed, while the girls were shocked, Sora smirked at that and leaned in to whisper in Kayano's ear. Said girl looking like she was about to have a stroke.

"Told you so~" Sora teased again, but this time Kayano was too shocked to respond.

Suddenly Sora was distracted by someone tapping on his shoulder.

"You knew about her all along didn't you?" Yuki asked, earning a shrug from Sora.

"You're telling me you didn't?" He asked.

"I had my suspicions sure, but most of us were pretty thrown off by the sudden shift," she admitted and Sora nodded.

"Yeah, from what I can figure she must be some kinda infiltration specialist, and her body and words are her weapons," He explained and then let out a sigh. "Classic seduction tactics, I'll admit they've got Koro-sensei pinned,"

Yuki raised an eyebrow.

"I sense a "but" at the end of that statement," she pointed out and Sora smirked.

"Awfully observant of you, you're absolutely correct," He replied before narrowing my eyes. "Koro-sensei is definitely more clever than he lets on, let's just say Ms. Bitch over there is in way over her head,"

The two of them were silent for a moment before Yuki deadpanned.

"She's still kissing Nagisa," she said.

"Yeah, I noticed," I replied.

"Come to the staffroom later," she said coyly while she held his shell-shocked face against her cleavage.


"I'd like to see what you have on him." Then she turned around and let him drop to the floor.


"The same goes for anyone else with key intel!" she told the others. "I'll give you something good in return." She smirked when she looked at the girls. "I can even swap in a man for you girls."


Three men in stealth gear walked over to them, carrying guns.

"It's a pro's job to have both technique and connections," she said, looking very smug. "You brats go watch from the outfield." Then one of her guys passed her a small gun. "Oh, and one more thing." Her smile grew colder. "Interfere even slightly in my assassination and I'll kill you." She kissed the barrel of her gun.

Sora watched the scene play out in disinterest. No matter how smart she thought she was, there wasn't a chance in hell she would beat Koro-Sensei.

No way, no how.


Back in the class, the blackboard had study hall written over it.

Bitch-sensei crossed and uncrossed her legs.

Slacker (Assassination Classroom) (Rewrite)Where stories live. Discover now