emotionless freak?

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It had been a year since it started, but it still hurts. He's now not capable showing his emotions like he used to because of them....

*Dream's pov:*

The thought of having to deal with highschool again does not make me enthusiastic (hope that's how you write it😅), but at least I get to talk with my friends for the whole time, and also my crush!!! (I wish it was like that for me too😭).

He's a really cute small brunet, he's always so sweet amd kind, and even though I don't know much about him I can't help but drol all over him.
He's quite misterious, he always seems to be very serious with a neutral expression on his face.
I sometimes talk to him, as he seems not to mind my presence.

*Time skip:*

I arrived to school at half past 8am, a bit late but I take the bus so it's fine.
I sit at my place, which is right behind the brunet's place who was already sitting before me next to his friend.

He always looks a bit down, though today he seems a little better than usual, 'hope it remains like that' I think to myself, but I guess I was too late to speak...

As the lessons started things started to degenerate...

*George's pov:*

I was just sitting at my place, writting down the physics exercises the math teacher was writting on the board as examples to explain us the new physics topic, when I suddenly started to hear other classmates wispering something than laughing.
They were probably just talking about the most random sh!t ever, but for me they were laughing at me...

While the professor was explaining, they started to talk a little louder than before, almost as they wanted me to hear them, "look at that idiot he thinks he's better by writting down everything like, 'we are not at University'" (I'm not joking this actually happened to me), I just shrugged that off, "he always has a neutral look on his face, how pathetic" they said and then giggled.
I tried my best to ignore them but it wasn't easy, as I am too weak to fight back.

Then things got even heavier "he's always so serious", "he's such an emotionless freak", "he doesn't deserve to live, he's so weak and idiotic", and then they just giggled.

'Emotionless freak' I could not stop thinking about it. 'It's not my fault! You made me like this...you created this freak....why would you do this to me!?! Why couldn't you all just let me live my life normally like everyone else....why can't I be normal!?' I yelled to myself while crying in one of the bathroom stals, trying to be as quiet as possible.

I soon stopped crying, and waited to recover physicaly from the breakdown before getting out from the stal, 'maybe it would have been better if I had waited a little more'.
Right outside my hiding spot there was a tall male of my age, dirtyblond hair that covered some of his forehead and two beautiful dark emerald eyes analyzing my body and then my face with concern.
I can't believe he's here out of all people the one I like the most, he'll think I'm pathetic or something.

I quickly broke the eye contact, looking down at the floor under us, "are you ok?" a question I haven't heard from anyone in a long time, I didn't answer as I didn't know wether to lie or not.

*Dream's pov:*

I waited for the small brunet to come out of the stall.
When he opened and came out my gaze softened at his sight, he looked so small, even smaller than normally due to the oversized clothes he was wearing.
Soon worry took over me as I remembered hearing crying a few minutes before, when I looked at his face my heart broke, he looked tired but not from studying or anything like that, he was tired from crying, "are you ok?" I asked him, but he didn't say anything, he kept on looking at the ground, so I bent down a bit, lifted his chin with my right hand.
I forced him to look into my eyes once again, "are you ok?" I repeated, his face flushed of dark red, "y-yes" he stuttered out and then ran out the bathroom.

I just stood there with no words, 'did he just blush?' I asked to myself, unsure wether it was he was embarassed of the situation or there was something else.

*George's pov:*

I ran out the bathroom, flustered and in tears, 'what was that! He couldn't possibly like me like that!'.

I started hearing loud footsteps, 'why is he following me!' I thought to myself full of panic and went to reach for the first empty room I could find and closed the door behind me. I sighed happy not to be seen again, especially by him, 'hopefully he didn't see the room I entered'.

I heard a person walking down the hallway, I could hear many doors being opened then closed 'why is he looking for me?!' I pratically mentally yelled to myself. He was probably gonna check the room I was in too.
I decided to have a peek outside, to see where he was, so that maybe I could flee unseen, but as I slightly opened the door Dream shot his head towards my direction, scared I quickly closed the small gap, I then squeezed myself in a corner while hugging my legs, 'the room is really dark so maybe he won't see me' I said to myself, but I was wrong...

The door slowly opened, the blonde's head just peeking from it at first, I then heard his hand rub against the wall and then the light turned on.
He looked around at first, he closed the door behind him, he turned around and saw me, "oh George" he said softly, I just looked at him with fear in my eyes, I was afraid of what he could think of me...no I was terrified.

He must've noticed that as he sat down next to me, I had been crying since I hid in this room, so I tried to look away, I didn't want him to think of me as a crybaby. I heard him sigh then arms snaking around my body..

*Dream's pov:*

I hugged him with my muscular-built arms around his small body which seemed to sank in mine (🤨), he burried his face into my chest, giving me butterflies.(ngl this is kinda cringe😭)

I was about to say something when I started to hear soft sobs coming from George, "wanna talk about it?" I asked him, "not right now" he replied with a muffled voice, "that's ok, take your time" I spoke gently, "thank you" I received in return as I felt his arms tighten around my sides.

I slightly pulled away to look into his eyes, "wanna get out?" I said to him, "y-yeah" he said back with a shaky voice, making me notice how red his face was, 'cute' I thought to myself.
I got up and helped George do so too, we walked out the small room and headed to the bathroom  so that George could wash the tears off his face.

As we reached the bathroom I felt my hand being thouched by something of soft, I look down and the brunet's hand  quickly backs away from mine, I smile and grab his smaller hand, (blud is a smurf😭).

Once arrived to the bathroom, I gently lift George and I put him on the bathroom's counter, "w-what are you doing?" George asked me, "don't worry I'm just gonna clean your face" I say in a ressuring voice and he nobs.
I was soon done, he muttered a small thank you, "c'mon let's go, shall we?" I said to him "sure, let's go" the smaller said back.

The end

2067 words🤯.

Hope you liked it❤.

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