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TW: attempted self unaliving

THE COOL BREEZE HIT IZUKU'S FACE, he let out a sigh, laying back on the ledge. His eyes were to the stars, he didn't want to jinx it, but the city night was quiet. It was very unusual for Tokyo, it's usually a city that never sleeps. But it was like tonight of all nights, everyone went to bed early.

All except for Izuku. He wasn't used to the world being so quiet, it allowed his thoughts to pool in his head, making it feel as if he was gasping for air trying to escape them. He regretted so much, and he can't undo any of it. He can't go back to be by Almight's side, he can't ever tell his classmates how sorry he truly was for disappearing for so long. He can't go back and save all the people who's lost their lives from the villains. I cant even end it all because of black whip, it drags me right to safety. He thought, turning his head so he could see the street below. He's only tried it once, right after Almight's death. He completely lost it, going to the top of Azabudai Hills Mori JP Tower.

The sound of the door opening drug Izuku out of his thoughts. Sitting up, he scooted back into the shadow, hoping it was only security doing a rounding. But it wasn't. It was a woman, he could tell from the stature, and she walked straight towards the side of the building, looking around as if to see if she was alone. It was a good thing she wasn't.

She jumped up onto the edge, standing tall as she looked up into the sky. Izuku could hear her sobs from a few feet away, but he was in a rough spot. He should've been faster, quick thinking to stop her before she got too far. He carefully got his self to the ground, getting closer and closer. He was shocked he didn't step on a leaf or something loud to give away his presence.

The girl took a step forward, the tips of her shoe sticking off the edge. He couldn't let another person die because he didn't move.

Black whip came out, wrapping around the girl and yanking her back into Izuku's arms. A little too roughly, as they both fell backwards. The whip will mimic your state of mind. If you panic, it will panic. The scream she emitted was ear piercing, but her sobs truly broke Izuku's already damaged heart. He could feel her pain, in every sob, the way her body shook and tried to get out of his grip. He hoped he was in a way helping, and not making her worse.

"I-it's Hero Deku, please calm down. I'm not going to hurt you. I.." but he trailed off, he didn't know what to say. He was just thinking of doing the same thing. But his quirk wouldn't allow it, just as it did with her.

Izuku sat up, holding onto the girl tightly as if she would rip out of his hands and end it all in an instant. She tried to push him away but he knew all she needed was someone to hold her. He could tell by the way she clung, the cries she let out. Izuku felt the same way she did, just wishing someone would hold him so tight to help him feel safe.

Her hands gripped Izuku's tank top tightly, burying her face into his chest. "I'm s-s-sorry I disturbed you." She choked out between sobs, "I'm sorry I ruined your day off."

Izuku put some space between him and the girl, looking down to see Hana. Her face was red, eyes nearly swollen shut from her tears. Izuku frowned, pulling her back into a tight hug. "You didn't ruin anything. I promise." He whispered, his hand petting her head to comfort her. "I'm just glad you didn't get hurt or worse."

Here he was, clutching a girl he barely knew, that he wanted to get to know, at her lowest point. He was so bewildered.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, "I promise I won't judge you, or pity you in anyway."

It was silent for a few moments before she spoke up, "and you won't tell anyone?"

"Nobody. Pinky promise." He added, letting go of Hana and pushing back to give her space.

"I had a long time boyfriend..." she couldn't help but burst into tears again, "well turns out he's married with a child on the way, he sent it through text then blocked me." Izuku could tell she was holding something back, but he didn't want to pry.

"I'm sorry that happened to you, but he isn't worth your life. You're still so young, so youthful, and can always find someone new." He smiled at her, truly not knowing what else to do.

"You know what always makes me feel better when I'm down?"

The sound of the water crashing against the sand soothed both of them. Izuku bought ice cream for the both of them, which Hana offered to pay him back, but the green hair boy denied. He's never invited anyone to getaway. He was stingy, never wanting anyone to find his spot and make it their own, but he knew she deserved a nice night viewing the stars with the waves crashing down on beach. 

"You're right, this does make you feel better." Hana smiled at him. "Thank you, so much. I really don't know what I was thinking. I know I would've regretted it." Hana wrapped her free arm around her stomach, the wind blowing harsher than it did at the rooftop.

"I'm glad I was up there too." Izuku added.

A thick silence filled the air, almost making it awkward. Neither of them knew how to continue the conversation. Hana was so exhausted from crying, and Izuku was just awkwardly waiting to continue the conversation. 

"We should probably get home; I need to freshen up."

"You're not going to hurt yourself, are you?" he asked, his green eyes met her hazel ones. Her eyes couldn't help but tear up, a hero such as Deku was making sure she was going to be safe if she went home alone. She felt so selfish, he had the entire island of Japan to worry about and here he was, on his off day worrying about her. A single woman who selfishly tried taking her own life, and the one growing inside her. But Izuku didn't know that. 

"I promise you have so much to live for, and if you're feeling down, come over. I'll talk to you as long as you need." The words Izuku could've heard his whole life, he was able to be that person for all of his friends, but it was never the same for him.

"And the same goes for you." Hana spoke up, "I'll do the same for you too." She could only imagine how hard it must be to be a hero, sleepless nights, patrol and God forbid when the villains decide to come out, he must be tired all of the time. 

Izuku could feel butterflies in his stomach, his cheeks warming up and turning red at her words. Izuku held out his hand, extending his pinky finger. Hoping that this stranger wouldn't think he was childish but was being dead serious. Hana smiled at him, extending her pinky finger and wrapping it around his, sealing the promise that both adults wished for their entire lives. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2023 ⏰

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