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THE LIGHT SHINED BRIGHTLY ON IZUKU'S FACE, he let out a groan, the hangover was killing him, but it didn't help when he opened his eyes, his face at the edge of the bed and a line of drool connecting to the floor. The ramen was also knocked over, sprawled all over his wooden floors and dried up through the night. "Fuck," he muttered, getting up from the bed, making his way to the kitchen. His head was pounding, the room was spinning, and he knew he needed water and some pain medication, maybe even some more sleep. 

The cups were not unpacked, of course, so he chose to dip his head low enough to the faucet, turning the water on so he could suck up the water like a water fountain. The cold water felt so good, cooling his oddly warm body. He dipped his head under, allowing the ice-cold water to wake him up and allow his head to cool off. "Shit, the ramen," he muttered. Turning the water off, he looked around to find the box full of cleaning supplies. He nearly ripped it open, not wanting his floors to warp even though he's probably hours late. He got the multipurpose cleaner, quickly going to his room to spray the floors, grabbing the bowl he picked up the chunks of noodles and vegetables, stopping momentarily to ease his pounding head. 

He then remembered the teenager at the 7/11, offering him the vitamin packets to help with hangovers. He grabbed them, going back to the sink and turning the water back on, he broke open the packet, pouring it in his mouth and cringing at the strong tangerine taste. He dipped his head back under, repeating the actions from earlier until the taste was gone. He proceeded to clean the floor the rest of the way, the smell of green apple filling his senses and somehow making him feel better. He also knew a shower would make him feel better. 

So, he searched the house, looking for the box of clothes and towels he had. But they were gone, and he knew exactly why. Uraraka. She put everything away for him while she was feeding the baby. He shook his head, Uraraka knew him too well. How he liked to organize, where he specifically wanted set clothes, or other small things. He was honestly grateful that her and Iida were such great friends to him, they always knew how to help and when. 

He stepped put the shower, towel wrapped around his waist and another towel he used to dry his hair when a familiar song started to play through the walls. He let out a smile, hearing his neighbor singing the song loudly. Thankfully they were both at the end of the hall, not needing to worry about other neighbors complaining. 

Izuku couldn't help but hum along, the shower and vitamins made him feel amazing. He felt like a brand-new man as he got ready, he was off today, so he wore joggers and a string tank top, deciding to do a workout to help him stay productive. 

Sadly, Izuku got out of the shower mid song, so when it ended her playlist started to play. But he knew who was playing, Joji, more specifically, Glimpse of us. He sucked in a breath, knowing this song all too well. He hoped that she wasn't in this situation, that it was just a song that she liked, just to get her through whatever she was doing. That was until he heard her shaky voice, he knew she related to it in some way. 

He shook his head, reminding himself that she was a stranger. He doesn't need to help everyone he meets. He needs to focus on himself too. He grabbed his headphones, putting them on as he grabbed his phone, putting his headphones, he hit play, glimpse of us playing in his headphones. "Son of a bitch," he laughed, slipping on his socks and shoes. He glanced over at his house, still not unpacked before he shut the door. He started his stretches as he took the stairs, preparing his body for the run. He didn't know how far he was going to go, or how long he wanted to be out, but he knew once he got home, he would either work out some more or take another shower and relax the rest of the day away. 

When Izuku finally made it home, he ran five miles. He was covered in sweat, shirt drenched from the summer heat beating down on him. He regretted wearing joggers, wishing he wore shorts instead. But it was far too late now, he was already at his door, unlocking it when his neighbors opened, he remembered his dark hair was straight when he seen her last, in a loose ponytail that was coming apart as she ran. But now her hair was curly, taking away some of the length she had before, it must've been her natural hair, just like Izuku's. Her brown eyes admired his body, before her brown eyes met his, a blush formed on her cheeks. 

"Good afternoon." she whispered, "I'm sorry about the other day, I'll make sure to be more careful."

"It's okay, don't worry about it." he smiled at her, he could feel a blush forming on his cheeks, her smile nearly took his breath away. 

"I-um, I know you just moved, if you need help with anything I work from home for now, I'm just one knock away." Izuku's smile turned into a grin,

"Same for you." They stood there for a moment, just smiling at each other. It felt like gravity was pulling them closer together, an odd feeling that both of them couldn't understand. But she was first to break them away, "On, my name is Hana by the way, but I have to finish something, I'll see you around."

"y-yeah, I'll see you around." He felt the warmth of her presence go away as she shut the door behind her. He felt cold and empty, even though he only knew her name, and that she's going through a tough time. He sighed, walking into his apartment. 

"Deku!" Uraraka smiled, Iida was also there but he was putting away is boxed and canned foods in his OCD manner. 

"Ah yes, welcome home Izuku. I took charge of unpacking your kitchen, everything is put up in an organized manner. I also don't appreciate the dirty dishes you put in one specific box. Cleaning is very important." He got onto him, his eyes narrowing. 

"Guys you didn't have to do this, honestly."

"Izuku, we love you. But we know you wouldn't get done unpacking until next year. You deserve to feel at home in your home. It already took you a month to pack up your old apartment." Uraraka cut him off, "Plus, Iida did most of it. You know organizing is his pass time." she smiled at him. He smiled back, "I'm going to shower, then I'll cook lunch for us." 

Izuku knew they wanted to come over before Bakugou did, his fiery would've made Izuku rush to unpack and not organize the way he wanted, but Bakugou did. They wanted to save him from his abuse, even if it had good intent behind it. 

"Also, Izuku," Uraraka spoke up, "I set up the memorial shrine for you. I hope that wasn't overstepping." Izuku stopped in mid-step, looking around to find it in the corner, the candle was lit and the picture of All Might starred back at him. He smiled, trying to hide the pain that shot through his insides. 

"No, it's perfect." he peeled his eyes away to direct his smile to Uraraka, "Iida, could you take the pork out of the fridge and dice the vegetables?"

"Of course," he already knew what he was going to make, pork katsu curry, his favorite, and the dish Uraraka craved her entire pregnancy, and still does. 

Izuku continued to think about Hana as he cleaned up, he only wondered what kind of person she was like. Would she go on a platonic sate with him? See if it would flourish into something more? He didn't even know how to ask, he's never had a real relationship. One-night stands are not good to go off of, plus he's practically a stranger. Yes, he was a well-known hero across the world, but nobody actually knows him. Only the Izuku's he allows the world to see. 

She doesn't want to be pulled into his lifestyle.

FALLING FOR YOU || IZUKU MIDORYIA Where stories live. Discover now