🤍Motorcycle (Clint)

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Father Figure Clint X Teen Y/n

Summary: Clint orders Y/n to do stuff before she realizes why he does so

I've known the avengers ever since they took me in after they saved me from Hydra, which seemed like forever ago. But the avengers saved me and Clint had always helped me, he took me in and trained me to be a top agent.

"C'mon Y/n! Let's go on a ride" Clint exclaimed as I immediately jumped up and down in excitement. Clint always took me on motorcycle rides whenever I first came to the avengers.

It was our special thing.

"What's the occasion?" I teased as I followed behind him with an extra jump in my step, "I'm just getting old and can't do this wild shit no more, so I decided after this ride I wanted to give you a little suprise" Clint beamed at me

    I laughed at Clint as we entered the garage with his motorcycle. He put on his helmet, which had protective glass to drive, but my helmet had become to small, I just never bothered to buy a new one.

"Okay, keys?" He asked, patting his pants, "Check" I threw them at Clint, he immediately smiled back at me. The garage doors opened as I hopped onto the back of the bike and wrapped my hands around Clint.

"You ready kid?" He asked, turning back to smirk at me as I gave him a thumbs up.
Revving the engine, he started to speed out of the tower and through the endless amounts of cars.

The wind through my hair, people and buildings zooming by, and the feeling of being free always made me love the city, only when riding the bike of course.

"Hold on!" Clint exclaimed, which was barely a mumble to me through the wind, but I immediately listened and held in to his waist tighter as we sped out of the city and into his more winding and mountains. There was always less cars and less people, more farms and pastures.

Barely any houses out here, just large land of farms and nature.

Even after going out here for years, I could never get over the worlds beauty. I could feel Clint Starting to speed up, making me whoop.

"Hey kid, take my helmet and put it on!" Clint yelled as we turned to go around corners on the empty road, "what, why!?" I asked

"Just do it, it's the last ride after all" He laughed as I rolled my eyes and took it off his head and onto mine. The wind was starting to get harder and hurt my face and knotted my hair just from riding now, which never happens.

"...hug me, please, Y/n" Clint pleaded as I looked up at him questionably, but he called me by my name, which usually doesn't happen, so I reluctantly hugged onto his back with my arms wrapped around Clint's stomach.

"I love you kid....say it back" He said in a mumble, almost sounded like he was crying, which I knew wasn't true. Clint never cried in front of me.

"I love you Clint...are you okay?" I asked, trying not to cry myself now as I was beginning to get worried but stayed calm.

"Hold ON!" He screamed as I squeezed Clint to me like a child would to a doll.

Then everything went dark, silence, and white spots costing my black vision.


"She's awake!" I heard a few voices say in unison and lots of movement as I started to blink my eyes but closed them to harsh lights and slightly moved my numb fingers.

Someone flicked the lights off so I could open my eyes in the dark, seeing all my friends. "Aunty Nat, Uncle Tony, What's going on?" I asked scared

I looked over my body and saw my legs wrapped up, one leg under a blanket and the other lifted. Many of my aunts and uncles were around too, but so was Peter.

"You and Clint were...in an accident" Bruce explained as he looked more pale than his usual olive color. "Just tell me what's wrong!" I screamed over all the machines and talking

Everyone looked at one another carefully before Aunt Nat walked over and sat on the edge of my medical bed before Tony stood on my other side, shooing everyone away. "Y/n, it's not your fault..." Tony said softly, fixing my messy hair

"W-what?" I asked scared, my wrapped hands trembling and my heart racing in my chest. I could only guess the worst.

"Clint, he loved you so much. He always talked so fondly of you." Tony chuckled softly. I looked up at Uncle Tony, tears already forming in my eyes just daring to fall.

"While he was driving you around, the breaks stopped working, but the accelerator continued to work and forced the motorcycle to become unstable and fast... you both ended up crashing" Tony explains as I started to become nauseous at what Nat was going to tell me

"Clint ended up in the hospital too, you were let out and now you're here in the medbay, but...he died of head damage" Natasha explained, placing her hand gently on my shoulder. With her other hand she placed a small note on your lap.

All my tears and pain let down. I was an emotional wreck as I started sobbing into Nat's shirt and my heart ached. I realized why Clint gave me his helmet and made me hug him and had me tell him I loved him before he crashed.

All because he wanted to protect me. "We'll have a funeral after you get better" Tony whispered as he kissed the top of my head

After what felt like hours talking and crying to Natasha and Tony, they left me alone for the night so I could sleep.

"ITS NOT FAIR!" I screamed and started to thrash my, already broke, limbs around. Though it hurt, it was the only way to express my anger, pain, and suffering in one way.

"C-Clint...I love you" I sniffled as I tried to stop myself from crying. Just then, a thought popped into my head from when I'd first met Clint


"I won't hurt you," Clint said softly as he got onto his knees to be eye-level with me and held his hand out, "I'm Clint, what's your name?"

I reached my small hand out and shuffled my feet slowly until I was out of the old, rusted Hydra cell and in the light, "I-I'm Y/n" I whispered shakily as I felt nervous with many eyes on wee little 5-year old me.

"Do you want to come back with me and my team, we can find your family and help you" He smiled softly as I shrugged uncontrollably

"I don't have a...family" I started to cry hard as Clint cooed and picked me up, holding me on his hip as Natasha came up behind me and started to make me laugh

"Can we keep her, please!" Clint asked with his own pleading eyes to Tony, him rolling his eyes at an idea of a kid before giving an okay. I could see his small smile and knew he was happy with me joining them.


I finally decided to open the small note Nat had given me. Once opened, I immediately could tell it was Clint's handwriting. It read, 'Suprise! I'm giving you my motorcycle kid!'

    It hurt and felt good to think about Clint. But I just had to remember, as Steve kept telling me,
'All good things must come to an end'


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