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Manipulative Bucky X Y/n

Summary: After a year of being together, Y/n and Bucky start having issues, fighting daily and making everyone else in the tower worried

I was furious at Bucky, and have been for a few days now. He has the audacity to dance with and kiss someone else at Stark's party then leave with her for whole night like I didn't exist, his girlfriend!

"Y/n/n, you're being dramatic! I don't even remember her name, plus it's not like we've been together that long" Bucky groaned, he was obviously tired of me making a big deal of him with that girl.

"What!? Is a year not mean anything to you!" I screamed. He was really pressing it, making me feel like I was at wrong, like I should apologize, but no, he should be the one to feel like this, not me!

"Well for me, not really! Y'know, you're really being a bitch right now!" He yelled back, stepping towards me with anger in each step.

"ME!? You're so right, I'm SO sorry for being mad that my boyfriend cheated on me!" I yelled back sarcastically.

Suddenly, Bucky stepped forward, slapping my firmly and making me fall back as he stood strong glaring at me still. I felt tears fill my eyes but not fall as I held where he hit me with my hands.

"B-Bucky!" I gasped. He's never hit me before.

"Wait Y/n don't go, ple-" Bucky started to beg but I quickly got up and ran out of the room and straight to the main room where everyone hung out.

There, Thor, Nat, Steve, Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Wanda all looked up at me, a red mark in my cheek, tears about to fall, and veins in my neck and forehead visible .

"Y/n/n...are you- come here sweetheart" Wanda cooed as I burst into tears and ran over to her and sitting between her and Nat.

"What's wrong?" Nat asked as everyone else pretended not to listen to my conversation, "Bucky, h-he slapped me and cheated on me!" I sobbed into Wanda's shoulder.

Steve immediately shot up and went down the hall to me and Bucky's shared room. There was some yelling form both of them as I continued to cry my heart out while Clint started to put ice on my cheek.

"Who...who did he cheat on you with?" Thor asked quietly while patting my shoulder. "I don't remember...she had blonde hair and had a red dress last night?" I questioned my memory, for being so drunk last night and being overwhelmed when seeing them together

"Oh my fucking god, it was Sharon!" Natasha yelled. I cursed her name in my head, wanting her to never have been here, but she was, and she hooked up with my Bucky!


I ended up sleeping in Wanda's bed last night before waking up early to sneak breakfast and running into Bucky In the kitchen. I ignored him as he tried to stand closer to me.

"Look, Y/n I'm so sorry! I'm so sorry! Please forgive me, she meant nothing to me! I don't even remember her name" Bucky exclaimed

I sighed looking him up and down before nodding, he smiled immediately and grabbed my hips, pulling me closer to his body. My hands rested in his chest as he bent down to kiss me.

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