🖤Save (Peter)

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Teen Peter X Teen Y/n

Summary: Being chased by dangerous men, you have to do the unthinkable to stay safe...

"Damnit, RUN Y/N!" Peter shouted as he started to swing using his webs while you used your enhanced skills to jump form roof to roof in the city, granted it was hard through the dark night.

"Who even is that!?" You asked through your mask, nobody answering from the Avengers Tower.

"I- I don't know" He exclaimed. Peter was still fast and far ahead, but you were starting to slow down.

Your powers didn't last long and you'd only been practicing for a month now with Wanda and Steven, "Wait, Peter! I can't go any further, everything hurts" You groaned through the coms

Looking back, both of you saw the man, dressed in black to blend in with the night and had spiky brown hair, following not so far behind you. As you turned around to see Peter staring at you, you suddenly collapsed onto the roof of a tower

"Y/N! Get away from him!" Peter yelled and quickly got in front of you, allowing him to take a quick hit from the man first, sending him a little farther than you.

"Don't touch him!" You screamed and stood up, reaching for the gun in your holster. The man smirked and only walked over you to stand above Peter before peeling off the SpiderMan mask.

"Ah...Peter Parker, as I guessed. To bad your life will have to end so soon" He cackled, pulling out his gun from a coat pocket and pointing it right towards Peter.
Peter's eyes searched your own as he was silently begging for help.

Just as quickly as the idea came into your mind, you raised your gun and came close to the man's body before shooting it right into the back of his head.

His lifeless body fell to the side, Peter having to push him away to get past. He laid still on the ground as he started to catch his breath.

You jumped on to the man's lifeless body and grabbed any weapons he had on him. Then pushing his body off the wedge of the building.

"He...He's dead" Peter breathed out in shock, slightly backing away from you

"He was trying to kill you!" You exclaimed and dropped the gun on the ground, kicking it away as you raised your hands in surrender

"I know" Peter sighed and laid down on the ground with his hands over his chest. He started to talk through coms as you started to worry he was going to report you.

"I had to do it! I can't- I couldn't let that happen to you Peter!" You shouted, tears filling your y/e/c eyes. Just now realizing the immense thing you had just done

"Hey, hey! Look at me, y/n, I know. That motherfucker was going to kill both of us. You saved me, I'm just....shit. I'm just shocked, I guess?..." Peter sighed as he he sat up and looked at you

"But not scared?" You asked scared, waiting for him to respond and tell you he wasn't scared

But he never did, Peter just looked away and didn't make eye contact. "Peter?" Your voice broke as you asked

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