"What?" The person-Harry to my side looked more and more worried about me.

I see it's Harry. Harry.......... Osborn.

This guy in front of me looks like a mix of the actors and cartoons of Harry Osborn from the Sam Ramis, Amazing trilogy, Spectacular, and Ultimate.

Ultimately, he looked good looking, but had a Party boy vibe. Like he likes to party then to study.

I remember when we studied together to prepare Harry for a test. He wasn't dumb and idiot like Norman thought he was, or was he on normal school level terms of kids. If Harry implied himself, he could probably be the next Tony Stark.

'TONY STARK! Hold why did I say that it was a normal thing to say?!'

'Wait a second, Peter, Maybe you are having a lapse in judgment? Probably due to the Spider bite Yea that's it Peter!'

................ Did I just referer to myself as Peter in third person?

And Why do I call myself Peter?!

My Name is Tony!

But Peter just resonates with me. But Tony is my name? That's my name, but also isn't it? This is so trippy and confusing, I just need a second. To just think, but this headache hurts so much!'

"Okay that's it, you need medical care immediately!" Harry spoke, breaking me out of my thoughts. and suddenly everything at once stuck me.

If Harry calls Medical Care, that means Normen will be told of what happen. Three things will happen: He would have me killed, Experimented on, or better yet, dress in a halloween costume with grenades that look like pumpkins.

Yeah, I'll take my chance with the Radioactive Genetically Modified Spider bite, Thank You Very Much!

Spider-Bite, huh?

"Harry, I'm fine. Don't call Medics. " I said, my voice is getting better and less drain. I could see in his eyes, worriedness ever present in them.

"Peter, You look Ill! And very Pale! We need to get you to the hospital! I'll tell Dad and have him pay the expenses. So you don't have to worry about the money-" Before Harry could finish, I spoke up.

"Harry, it's not what you think," I said, trying to come up with an excuse. "I just don't feel well, maybe it's something we ate earlier today?"

"Pete, We barely ate anything all day."

"True, but I think this is just a stomach bug. And Harry, out of the both of us, who is more knowledgeable about biology?" I said with a small smile. I know this sounds mean, but I need to get out of here.

"You are, but-"

"No buts! Besides," I recalled my memory for a split second, "Harry, you going to Europe. You were looking forward to this, so don't ruin our last day together before going to me Europeans with me being your buzz kill."

"Pete, I'm just worried about you. Plus this is ESU, Oscorp just sponsored Mr and Mrs Doc Connoers on this research about Spider and a formula my dad has been making. I wanted today to be special man."

I was touched by Harry, I could almost see me and him in the future as best friends/Brothers in the future.


"I need to go home, Harr. I love to spend more time here and I love the ESU. So thanks for that, but I really need to get this bug sorted out." I answered while trying to keep my composure. Harry sights and relents.

"Okay, let me get the limo."

"Harry, you know I don't like riding like that, I would much rather walk instead."

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