Both have exhausted expressions on their faces. America frowned as worry started to build up. He also didn't get that much sleep last night, but he did have a small nap, and that was enough for him.

As the day went by, Russia and Japan slowly started to get more and more tired by the minute. which one minute felt like an hour of their lifetime.

"You two should rest," America started, earning exasperated looks from the two parties. "I'll handle it from here, you two. go sleep."

Japan shook her head, "Nonsense, I just got here!" America raised a brow and said, "Exactly, and now you should rest."

Russia was the second to protest, "I'm fine, really! Besides, it's only 7:45 PM (19:45)."

America groaned, "Get your workaholic asses to bed, you're starting to be like Germany," he huffed, "And I'm not taking no for an answer! Go, now."

Japan lazily nodded, "Fine, you win this time.." she said. Russia made a sound of agreement, "Mhmm, the guest room is the second door to the left."

The Japanese woman smiled, "Thanks, and thank you, Ame, for being a mom right now." Russia couldn't help but chuckle a little.

America rolled his eyes, "Haha, very funny, now shoo. I don't wanna see either of you awake until at least more than two hours."

Japan walked past America, with Russia trailing behind her.

Russia shot America a glance. Though he was still slightly mad after the whole mall incident, he felt his face warm up knowing that America did honestly care for his health along with Japan's.

Once both sleepy counties left and went into separate rooms, America examined the map.

There were plenty of markings on the paper, no doubt made by them. America shook his head when noticing most marks being in the USA border.

Although Japan was here, there was no way another one of their friends would be here. There were already three of them, therefore, the others had to be elsewhere.

No one could be in South America, if someone was, Japan would've heard the static increase. But she didn't. America crossed out the continent of South America with a Sharpie.

America decided from there that they would go into Canadian borders quickly. Most people lived further down, so it wouldn't be hard to find anyone if they were there.

If someone's there, great, if not, not so great. Either way, they'd then take a flight to Europe. It was easier said than done, but it was possible.

Tomorrow, they'd catch a flight to Ontario, Canada. America would have to book a flight, but that shouldn't be that much of a problem for him.

Russia and Japan could've easily figured this out in a span of seconds if they weren't so tired to begin with. After all, tiredness can interfere with work.

America rolled up the map and carefully placed it near the end of the bar. Though he realized Russia still had his phone, He didn't want to accidentally wake the man up, so he opted to use the phone attached to the wall near the door.

This might take some time considering booking a flight on short notice is not excellent, but America knew how to persuade someone with either reasoning or cash.

South Korea sipped his tea and read the book that rested in his hands.

He was in a local library, all the way in the back, and drinking the black tea he got from the café across the street.

The book was a historic one, he was seeing if humans got the facts correct. So far, they have, besides the personal things that only the countries themselves knew.

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