I'd have to burn my own skin

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When you left

I was shocked in my skin.

I never thought you would.

But you did.

Nothing prepared me for such a thing

Not even you.

I was furious.

Thinking why would you do such a thing?

You left me alone.

You know I work best with you.

Without you,I'm not at my full potential.

You left me.

We're one soul in two bodies.

But you left me just like that.

You left me.

For an detective agency.

That does the opposite of the mafia?

You left me.

For an ideal obsessed Maniac.

You left me.

For your own sake,

not considering how I felt.

The day you left,

You even blew up my car!

I wanna burn every single memory of you.

But I'd have to burn my own skin.

The goodbyes We wish We said before|SoukokuWhere stories live. Discover now