We're Being Punked, Pedro

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Must have 10 comments and 20 votes for another chapter. Art by me.

                    "My name is Nyx Saltzman. I'm a siren, though many know my kind as mermaids and not the ditsy Disney kind. I go to a school for rich 'gifted children'. Unfortunately, our school's true identity was discovered by a lovesick human named Landon. Like all humans, he only brought drama, danger, and heartache, then disappeared. Now I must pick up the broken pieces he left behind,".

                    It was the second period, and Nyx was in the gym with the werewolf students since she was the only siren in the school. She climbs a rope hooked to the ceiling over a blue mat with weights tied to her waist. Suddenly, a letter flies into the gym, landing in the teacher's hand. "Who's in trouble with the headmaster?" a boy whispered.

                    "Oh no, do you think he heard us," a girl whispered to her boyfriend.

                    "All of Mystic Falls heard you," a different boy said sarcastically.

                    "Nyx Saltzman, off you go," the gym teacher called out. The class whispered as Nyx climbed down the rope.

                    "You think it's about the rumble with the local high school?" a girl asked in a whisper.

                    "I wouldn't be surprised.... Saltzman's seem to be nothing but trouble," a different girl replied in a snotty tone as Nyx walked by. The mermaid's jaw clenched, fighting the urge to punch the ditzy she-wolf. Even though her wounds from the dragon were gone, her new scales were still sensitive, making her reflexes a little slow. She takes a quick shower in the girl's locker room, then heads to her father's office wearing a white button-down shirt with the Salvatore family insignia 'S' on the right side of it with a loose royal blue and red striped tie, black khakis, and dress shoes. Her slightly wet hair was brushed back. She opened the doors to her father's office, finding both her sisters and Hope already there waiting. Nyx feels overwhelming joy at the sight of Hope for a split second, but she pushes the feelings down. She walks past the tribrid without looking at her and takes a seat in one of the leather chairs in her father's office. Lizzie and Josie looked at each other in confusion, wondering why Nyx was there.

                    "This makes no sense. Why are we being punished?" Lizzie asked in annoyance.

                    "Maybe because you started a brawl at a charity football game that risked exposing our school?" Nyx asked.

                   "Well, he wasn't mad last night," Lizzie pointed out.

                    The doors to the room open, revealing their father, "Oh, I was mad last night. But my undying love for my daughters just happened to Trump my rage," he explained while walking to his desk. Alaric sits and looks at the four teens. "I volunteered everyone in the game, so stop complaining," he ordered with a sigh. "You're lucky that it's just community service and not actual jail time," Alaric explained, looking sternly at his older daughters.

                    "Can I at least offer a rebuttal in my defense if it pleases the court?" Lizzie asked. Alaric waves his hand, letting her have the stand. "First of all, I was provoked. My response was totally proportional, considering the levels of abuse that I was forced to endure. And secondly... if anyone should take the blame, it's Josie," she pointed out, surprising everyone.

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