No way!1!!111!

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First of all, before I write this chapter, I must say, Asagiri, count your days. (Ill never forget this man for killing my bbg even tho hes not dead, he clearly escaped or smth)

As you wake up from your silly sleep (or faint, God knows what is in that room) you get jumpscared by a majestic greasy haired man (its fyodor btw). He's standing uncomfortably close to your face just... staring. This man is so beautiful you feel like you're ascending from this world when looking at him.

"Good morning y/n. I mean... it's not really morning, infact it's 5pm but you get what I mean."

"W-what happend???" You mumble half asleep.

"Ha ha, you fainted. I think... . Here's a cup of water from my garage-grade sink." He speaks kindly.

"Thank you"

You drink the water. It kinda tastes like powdered donuts but you don't mind the taste. Man, I wonder what could go wrong with powdered donuts? ANYWAY. Fyodor is taking care of you and feel more attracted to him with every gesture he makes. He glances at you with his deep purple eyes and you start blushing.

"Are you okay, y/n? You seem a bit red" He asks politely and as calm as ever.

"W-w-well... Y-ye-yeah." You struggle to speak just when thinking about him.

You continue glaring at him but you're suddenly interrupted by a broken window sound. Fyodor takes a gun from a drawer in his desk and rushes to the door. A man comes in kicking the door-


For some reason you find yourself now in a garage full of rats, with a russian man you clearly fell in love with and Barack Obama. Keeping composture is the most normal thing to do, right? RIGHT?

"Fyodor, we have found you guilty of 357 crimes against humanity and 679 warcrimes, just in the U.S alone. You're getting the electric chair boi." Obama speaks flickering the gun in his hand

"Nuh uh" Fyodor shoots Obama casually. "Y/n, I have to tell you something..." he speaks softly

After all that, he approaches you, the one standing in shock. He grabs your neck and gets closer to you. Now you can feel the heat coming off his body. He approaches his head to yours. You can feel your legs shaking and you feel like melting. His mouth is now coming up to yours.... Just as you were getting ready for all to happen, you hear a clown laugh behind and a metal rod in the back of your head before everything turns black.

You slowly and painfully wake up, tied on the floor with half your legs being eaten by rats. There are 2 men look at you from up, with pride. It's fyodor and his crazy boyfrien- FRIEND, Nikolai Gogol.

"I thank you for helping me get Kyrgyz citizenship and a fun time, y/n. Now it must be over, you fell into my trap and you'll pay the price. By the way, I was gay all this time." Fyodor speaks his last words to you then proceeds to menacingly make out with Nikolai.

"I love you babygirl girlypop pupsik pretty princess!!!!" giggles Gogol.

This is the last thing you see and hear before the rats get to your head. It is all over now.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 19, 2023 ⏰

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