Mr and Mrs Félix

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We finally landed and Joao was still asleep. I moved my arm quickly to make his head fall to wake him up. His head fell and his face was priceless.

"what the" he said. I bursted out laughing and he just stared for like 30 seconds straight cause I was laughing so hard.

"morning sunshine" I said still laughing. He visibly cringed at the nickname which made me laugh even harder. After a few more seconds of me laughing he put the arm rest up and put his hand on my inner thigh to use it as support to get up and I immediately stopped laughing. He noticed and laughed to himself.

We got off the plane and got into a taxi and went to our hotel.
I was about to check in but Joao beat me to it.

"registrese para Félix (check in for félix)" he said. Chris told my manager he would make the reservation so I assumed me and Joao had separate rooms.

"okay cuarto b24 gracias por eligir este hotel Sr y Sra Félix y bienvenidos! (okay room b24 thanks for choosing this hotel Mr and Mrs Félix and welcome!)"  My heart dropped. I looked at Joao and he had the biggest grin on his face.

"gracias, vamos a disfrutarlo mucho (thank you we will enjoy it a lot)" he said emphasizing "a lot" while winking at the lady. We walked into the elevator and I started hitting him while he was dying of laughter.

"why the fuck would you do that" I said in between hits.
"you're very abusive Mrs. Félix" Which caused me to start hitting him again until we reached our floor.

We got out of the elevator and walked to our room and of course there was only one bed.

"bruh" I said.
"looks like we will be having fun" I gave him a death stare and started putting my bags on the bed until I got a phone call from a random number. I declined it but they called again.

"who's that?" Joao asked.
"I don't know it's a random number" They called again and I decided to answer.

"Angie finally!" I knew exactly who it was. I froze and Joao noticed and looked at me confused.

"I've been waiting for a chance to speak with you again but I couldn't and since your in Barcelona now, can we meet up to talk?" I never knew Pablo would stoop this low, he cheated on me and I try to forget about it and he doesn't let me? Come on man.

"U-um hi Pablo I don't reall-" I was cut off with Joao taking my phone and saying something.

"dude stop being so thirsty and leave her alone she doesn't want you" He then hung up.

" why would you do that!" I said.
"what do you mean why, I helped you"
" I don't need your fucking help"
"what did he say to you?" he said looking annoyed .
"what did he fucking say to you?" he said still calm.
"it's none of your business now if you'll excuse me i'm gonna call him back." He put my phone in his pocket.
"no, you won't."
"dude what is your problem, why do you even care!?" He looked at me with eyes I couldn't read.
"yk what, here, call him back and fuck him for all I care, I hope y'all get back together and he dogs on you even worse than before." He said giving me phone then storming out.

Words didn't affect me that much but coming from him, it was different. It was like a weight on my heart had grown and I didn't understand why. I tried to hold it in but tears just kept on flowing.

The tears weren't just because of his words but because of all the things I held in like Pablo cheating and my mom being sick. It all let out even though I didn't want it to.

30 minutes had passed and I knew Joao would be coming back by now and I didn't really want him to see me like this so I took my phone and airpods and went on a walk. I played some music and walked around the city. It was beautiful and filled with tourists.

I went to a private spot that Pablo showed me last time I was here and sat down. I was there listening to music and just thinking for about an hour and I felt somebody sit next to me. I looked and it was him, Pablo.

"I knew i'd find you here eventually, I'm sorry" He said.
"For what"
"you know what. I didn't ask to meet you to get back with me, I asked to meet you to apologize in person. I'm not expecting you to accept it but, I needed to tell you at least."
"I thought you were mine and I was yours, what changed?"
"Nothing changed you did nothing wrong, I was just drunk and wanted to surprise you at the party but, I was just being stupid and fucked it up. I'm sorry Angelise."

I said nothing but felt a huge weight come off of my shoulders and I think he noticed that. We stayed there in comfortable silence until I realized how long I was gone for. I said my goodbyes and walked back to the hotel. I heard noises coming from inside of the room so I walked in and Joao was with some girl in the bed.


ENEMIES TO LOVERS -Joao felixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora