[Chapter 3] - Embers of the Einherjar

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(POV - 3RD)

"Himeko! Thank goodness you're here! You wouldn't believe all the mess we've went through!" March 7th exclaimed, bouncing over to the redhead while complaining.

"I can only imagine, she hasn't been much trouble for any of you, right?" Himeko replied with a smile, patting the pinkette on the head.

"Only the usual." Dan Heng answered stoically which was enough implication as the mature lady sighed in expectance.

"March, you'll need to be more careful, I've already lost count of how many times I said this to you." Himeko said as the archer pouted.

"Hey! Those jerks snuck up on me! Right, guys?!" March exclaimed again, ignoring Dan Heng's unimpressed look as she looked at the trio behind him.

"...Uhm... yes..?" Arlan responded unsurely.

"Nope." Stelle stated bluntly all the while (Y/N) quietly gazed at Himeko with an inscrutable expression on his face.

The moment his eyes laid sight on the woman, his vision swirled yet there was no tears to be shed for he knew not of the situation behind his missing memories, his mind raced with multiple images flickering by yet he remembers nothing still except for the present emotions.

Surprise, joy, nostalgia but most importantly; pain.

"Let it go, March. As long as you're not hurt... but speaking of which, who are these two lovely children?" Himeko asked, turning to (Y/N) and Stelle.

The latter was standing right in front of her fellow amnesiac with a seemingly protective aura surrounding her though (Y/N) couldn't help but picture a pair of animal ears and tail on Stelle.

"A pair of amnesiacs we've picked up on the way here." Dan Heng answered.

"Is that so? Well, I suppose introduction are due and I doubt March here had properly introduced me but I am Himeko; navigator for the Astral Express." She said carefully, noting Stelle's aura.

"...I'm Stelle, this is (Y/N)... don't touch him." Stelle stated as Himeko simply raised both of her hands up slightly in affirmation.

"Duly noted and now... are you alright, Arlan? Asta was quite worried about you." The redhead inquired to the Head of the Security.

"I'm fine, nothing a patch-up won't fix but I'll still need to report the whole situation back to the Lead Researcher." Arlan replied.

"Are you certain you'll be fine on your own?" (Y/N) asked as the said young man nodded, holding onto a makeshift crutch.

"Don't worry, we're quite near to the safe zone of this station and my colleagues can help me when I reach them." Arlan assured as he limped off.

"Arlan's stronger than he looks, if he says he'll be fine then there's no need to worry." Dan Heng said as he noticed (Y/N)'s concerns.

"If you say so..." The amnesiac muttered before a small commotion prompted them to turn to see the bubbly archer seemingly begging Himeko for something.

"They both got nowhere to go, and I doubt they'll be much help to the researchers onboard this space station so can we please take them??" March pleaded.

"Since when did we become stray animals?" Stelle questioned blinkingly.

"Apparently when they 'picked' us up..." (Y/N) interjected with a deadpan.

"Haha, look at you all getting along with each other this closely but let's not stay here and risk attracting the legion, come now. Asta was quite worried for all of you." Himeko stated.

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