Chapter 18. Raghav cooks for Shrishti

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She chuckled, 'Of couse he is waiting for me. I am the photographer for the day!'

Shrishti turned to the food and was surprised to see a simple dal.

'Only dal?'

'I was not sure what you liked.', Raghav told her before looking away.

Her eyes widened in surprise. Why did it feel like Raghav was feeling embarrassed?

'He made bhindi fry too.', came Arpit's voice from behind her.

Her eyes lit up, 'I love Bhindi.', she declared.

'We know. Trust me, we know.'

Shrishti turned to look at him with surprise and Arpit grinned at her, 'You don't remember but when we were little, and we had just moved in with your family, you demanded Bhindi every night because you wanted us to try your favourite vegetable. It was so funny.'

Shrishti bit her lip with embarrassment. 'I don't remember any of it.', she murmured feeling sheepish.

'You don't but we do. So it is bhindi for you.', Arpit declared before walking away to the dining table and sitting on the chair, 'I am ready for some lunch.'

Shrishti turned to the stove in front of her and started to take pictures of the dal before moving over to the bhindi. She frowned before looking at Raghav, 'Next time, lets go for something fancy. Dal chawal and bhindi will not pull in much crowd.'

'Next time?', Raghav sounded surprised.

'Of course.', Shrishti shrugged, 'One time posting is not going to help anybody.'

'Take some photos from my bro's phone too. And help him post it on his account too.', Arpit suggested.

'Great idea.', Shrishti grinned before waving her hand at Raghav. Raghav opened the camera app and handed his phone over to her. Shrishti took the pictures before opening the social media app on Raghav's phone and posting them right away.

'What caption do you want to put?', Shrishti asked Raghav, fingers ready to type.

'Put whatever you like.', Raghav told her, as he started bringing the dal to the table.

'Home cooked meal made by yours truly.', she wrote down before following Raghav and showing it to him.

'I told you,', he murmured, 'Put whatever you like.'

'Seriously? You don't even want to see?', she followed him as he went to the kitchen counter and grabbed the bhindi fry.

'I trust you.', he told her before heading to the dining table. She stood there, shocked. He trusted her. Somehow she felt that he meant for more than just a caption. She shook her head. She was reading into things. She turned and after placing the phone nearby, she grabbed the rice not realising the vessel was hot.

'Ouch!', she shouted. Raghav almost materialised next to her, he came running that fast.

'What happened?'

She huffed before laughing, 'Nothing. Touched the hot rice pot.' She pouted playfully as she showed her finger to him. She expected him to laugh or even roll his eyes or even not react as he seemed to be not into showing much reactions. But what she got was him looking serious before grabbing her hand and dragging her to sink before dunking her finger under the cold flowing water.

She raised her brows. That was a bit overreaction to a small burn, right?

'It is not that bad.', she commented, 'It does not even pain.'

'Just to be on safe side.', the man murmured and Shrishti frowned before shrugging. She refused to argue over silly matters. Raghav let her hand go and handed over a towel to wipe her hands. He used another towel to grab the rice vessel.

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