Chapter 2

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Lauren smiled as she watched Carter help hang her fairy lights around her room, "Really starting to take the Lauren look in here." Carter smiled as he looped the lights around one of the hooks, "Starting to feel like home." Carter smiled down at Lauren who was stood smiling at him. He hopped down from the stool and held out the remote, "Here you go." He looked up at the lights and Lauren started to click on all the different colors, "So fancy." Carter laughed and Lauren let out a small laugh as she focused back to him. 

She stared until he caught her eyes, "You alright?" He asked and Lauren stepped closer and onto her tip toes. She placed a hand on the back of his neck and brought him in for a deep kiss. Carter was shocked at first but once the shock had gone he pulled her in closer and lifted her up into his arms. He moved them to her bed and gently placed her down. He kissed her deeper and Lauren moaned into his mouth, "Wait." Carter stopped as he let out a breath, "I want to do this." Carter looked at her, "I want to do it properly." Lauren smiled widely as she propped herself onto her hands, kissing him gently, "Okay."

Lauren rushed around her room nervously, trying to find something to wear. She groaned loudly and a few seconds later there was a knock on the door, "You okay?" Carter asked her and she opened the door to see him stood in his boxers smiling widely, "I don't know what to wear!" Lauren groaned, "Why do you want to do it properly?" 

"Because I want to love you for you and not for your body."

"Wow." Lauren spoke, "Am I that lovable?" She smiled and Carter rolled his eyes, "All I know is that the past three months of you living with me have been pretty fun." Carter walked out of Lauren's room, "And whatever you wear you will look beautiful!" He shouted causing Lauren to smile widely.

Lauren smiled as she looked in the mirror, the red dress she chose hugging her curves perfectly. She ran her hands down her dress, smiling at herself. "Wow." She heard, "You look unreal." She turned to her right and saw Carter smiling widely as he looked at her. He was wearing an all black suit without a tie, "You look very smart." Lauren spoke before walking slowly over to him. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed him gently. He melted into the kiss and placed a gentle hand on Lauren's waist. "Ready to go?"

Lauren looked up at the museum entrance and looked to Carter, "You okay?" He asked and Lauren let out a small laugh, "Aren't we a little over dressed?" Carter shook his head as he held his hand out, "Nope." He smiled, "We are going to pretend like we are rich enough to buy any piece of art in this museum." He laughed. Lauren placed her hand in the one he was holding out and giggled as he dragged her inside.

"So how do you feel about going back next week?" Lauren asked as they looked at a weird painting, "Alright, I am used to the anticipation." Carter spoke as he looked down at Lauren, "Feels weird this time around." He spoke quietly, "Usually I am ready and raring to go."

"You're not this time?" Lauren asked, keeping a firm eye on the painting, "Definitely not." Carter spoke.

"Why do you think that is?" Lauren asked finally breaking away from the painting, "Someone is making me want to stay." Carter smiled and Lauren's chest thumped hard in her chest, "I always feel happy leaving my life behind and now I am nervous to do so." He spoke honestly, "I have loved being around you and getting to know you more and with each day that passes I get sadder each day." He broke the eye contact to look back at the painting, "Nothing kept me here and I wasn't afraid I would leave anything behind if something was to happen to me." He let out a deep breath, "But now I feel I will leave you behind and I don't want to ruin your life because of my choices."

"Are you breaking up with me?" Lauren questioned with a smile on her face, knowing they weren't together. "No." Carter spoke, "I would understand if you wanted to stop what we were doing and I would respect your choice."

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