Chapter 1

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Lauren smiled as her friends danced on top of the table, she waved to her best friend and pointed to the door. She let out a deep breath as her warm skin came into contact with the cold air. She took a deep breath in, "My god, it is hot in there!" She laughed as she walked onto the decking. She looked out at the ocean and enjoyed the faint sound of the waves crashing in the distance. She looked down onto the beach and saw someone sat watching the waves. She looked to Jane who was slowly dancing as she took a sip of her drink, "Go party, I'll be back in a minute." Lauren smiled. "You sure?" Lauren nodded her head gently and watched as Jane made her way back into the house. Lauren laughed as she stumbled through the door.

Lauren walked carefully along the decking to the beach and stood near the person, "You okay?" She asked and the unknown figure looked over their shoulder. Lauren could just make out his blue eyes. He gave her a small smile, "Yeah." He stood from his spot and held his hand out, "Carter." He smiled and Lauren held her hand out and shook it gently, "Lauren." She smiled widely. "Nice to meet you Carter." The lights flashed from the house, allowing Lauren to fully see his face. He had a beautiful smile, he had a medium length anchor beard and blue eyes that looked exactly like the ocean. He was wearing a black t-shirt with white cargo shorts. "Are you with the party?" She asked and he nodded his head, "Yeah, my best mate is dating the host." He smiled, "You want to sit with me?"

"You like the ocean?" Lauren asked as they both sat looking out at the sea. Lauren's elbow was touching his elbow and she looked down and smiled gently, "Love it, it has always been my safe space." He smiled gently to himself, "Guess it's the same for you?"

Lauren nodded her head gently, "Definitely, I love the ocean. I feel so calm whenever I can hear the waves crashing." Carter looked to Lauren and smiled when their eyes met. She was beautiful, she had long black hair with bright green eyes with a hint of grey in them.

Lauren laughed as she placed her hand on his arm and he laughed with her, "You're joking!" She shouted and Carter shook his head quickly trying to get words out but he couldn't due to how much he was laughing. "Lo!" They heard from behind them and Lauren turned her head to see Jane waving at her. "Thank you for this." She spoke sincerely as she looked at him intently, "I actually had a really good time." Carter stood up and held his hand out for Lauren to take, "Me too, it was really nice talking to you." He smiled widely and Lauren took his hand and used his hand to stand up. She smiled widely before standing on her tip toes and kissing him on the cheek, "See you around." Carter watched as she turned and walked towards the house. Passing Nick as she did so, "Lauren eh?" Nick asked as he arrived next to Carter, both of them watching as she met up with Jane, "I mean we just sat and talked." Carter pointed out and Nick checked his watch, "For two hours."

"What?" Carter asked as he looked at Nick's watch. "Two in the morning?" He asked shocked. Nick let out a laugh, "You really must have enjoyed her company." Nick patted him on the back, "Think someone is in deep." Nick laughed as he walked up to the house, "I am not!" Carter yelled as he ran after him, "I think you are mate." Nick continued to laugh.

Carter stopped the treadmill and jumped onto the sides. He threw his head back and tried to regain his breath. "Wow." He heard from behind him, "That was a very intense run." Carter turned to see Lauren stood smiling widely. Carter stood off the treadmill and looked at Lauren. She was wearing black leggings that hugged her figure perfectly, paired with a crop top, her mid rift showing. Lauren caught on to him checking her out and she smiled widely as their eyes met again, "I need to keep in shape." He smiled.

"Do you now?" Lauren smiled, this time checking him out. He was wearing underlay shorts with black Adidas soccer shorts, paired with a black tank top. "Yeah." He replied gently.

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