Malevolent: 22

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"Are you okay?" The redhead asked meekly, her face responding to her own question incredulously.
"Of course..I'm sorry that was...that was a stupid thing to ask."
"I appreciate your concern." I gasped as she flinched and reached forwards trying to push the cushion down between my neck and shoulder.
"They're insane. They kill people but expect us to...they expect us to join their twisted family without argument. It's sick. We didn't ask for this!"
"No, just evil." Perhaps in Alfredo's defence, he was insane but Tinker for sure seemed more sagacious than his siblings. Mama had ruled the house with an iron fist but somewhere along the way, their consciences had high tailed out of there leaving behind their insatiable hunger and nefarious ideas of how to survive. If it wasn't for their victims, they wouldn't have much to live on. Vegetables were grown but the meat was obtained in the traps they left whether it be through a seemingly harmless hitchhiker or the nets in the woods.

"They haven't found her yet, the woman you let out." It offered some comfort, I was aware how much time had passed by the fact the sun was setting behind the thin material of the curtains when it was night from what I recalled. Almost if not a full twenty four hours until the woman got away. Still, I refused to feel hope.
"Let's hope they get the hell out of here. Then we can go home..."
"I doubt it." I admitted solemnly, false hope was dangerous and she would learn that one way or another. "More likely to get another ass kicking and made an example of."
"It's the only reason that Mama is letting me check on you, she thinks you're still out of it. She wants me to see..." Brittany trailed off biting down on her scarred lip, she was trying to be delicate with her words and it made me give a small laugh, one that quickly caught and rattled in my ribcage. I was grateful for it getting trapped in my throat, for whatever reason she felt safer with me and that was something that could change in a split second if Mama knew I was stirring.

"To see what happens? Oh honey, you already know." It was the truth, by now she had probably suffered Junior's worse, like me she hadn't had an easy ride and it was plain to see. Dying would have been terrifying at the time when you first met the Sawyers but once you had stayed in their company you soon realised that death was a blessing, life was the curse. "Pain, pain and more pain." It was how they ran things, how they retained them as well.
"Yeah..." She confirmed shakily. Her eyes were wide with terror and trauma as she struggled to keep her eyes on me. "I could hear were in so much pain and none of them cared. They found it amusing. They just laughed and Mama said it's what you deserved."
"That sounds about right." My thighs continued to ache, my fingers flexing still stained in blood from where I had tried to fight back with scratching and clawing, skin trapped under my nails showing I had had at least got in a few decent blows. It didn't rectify the sticky feeling between my legs, the slightest movement reminding me where he had come inside of me. I knew that behind would be no different or an improvement to what I was already suffering. There was no area untouched by Tex and it was something he lavished in. "It doesn't get any better." Sugar coating shit didn't make it a truffle, whatever hopes she had on things getting in any way easier had to be snuffed out one way or another and it seemed kinder to caution her.

"I'm not sure if it can get any worse." She admitted with a small sniff trying to contain herself. I exhaled gently, trying to reduce the movements that rippled, etched and cut through my body and nerves. "It can't."
"It can." I disagreed flatly.  "You think there's nothing worse than losing the people you love, than being assaulted day in and out...death is merciful so they keep you alive. You think you can escape only to be caught again and then even your own mind gives up on you. Forget faces...the last good memory you had, it just fades over time and then you lose yourself. Sometimes you don't know what's real, sometimes you're not there but you wake up and there's nothing but agony and blood...So long as you can trust your thoughts, there's hope. When you lose yourself, everything is laughable but nothing is funny."
"You're still you." Another chuckle vibrated painfully in my throat before being ensnared in a gasp. Brittany hesitated in her steps, as if she thought of helping only to look me over in a sad acceptance that there was nothing she could do. "You're stronger than me. I try to be strong but...I'm not." Tears appeared in her eyes as she stumbled and stuttered on her words as if it was something to be ashamed of. She wasn't in a higher position than myself, she was also a prisoner and this was the small break of freedom that she happened to get away from the watchful eye of Mama. 

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang