Malevolent: 15

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A/N: Carpal tunnel has been a nightmare lately but it's a bit more manageable today. Can't say this chapter amounts to much but I tried.

It seemed as though only one thing was enough to falter the numbness which my body and sense of self had cocooned itself into. Shame. It was something that was only made worse by the laughter that continued from the Sawyers as I returned to my place at the table trying to ignore the taste that clung to the inside of my mouth and tongue. It was no easy feat and something that only seemed to buckle down more when I noticed the teary blue eyes of the redhead who had at some point during the act come back to. As I tried to turn away, she cocked her head as if trying to offer some silent comfort but there was nothing that could be said and done and as horrific as I was sure it was to witness, it was only a sign of things to come in her case if it hadn't already. Life with the Sawyers did not become bearable over time, they found new ways to coil and choke you further onto the edge and continue hoping for an early demise. By this point, there was no hope for improvement or of being found and saved. This was what life had to offer under their roof and there was no other alternative. Death was a mercy and a kindness in comparison to their torment, games and punishments.

"Lori..." I heard Brittany start before giving a small yelp. Junior clearly knew to keep her quiet especially at the dinner table where Mama expected good behaviour or at least her standards of what they were.

"Shut your bitch mouth." Alfredo sneered from the corner of the room at her, followed by whimpers of the girl and Junior offering a grunt. I refused to witness just what he was doing. The taste in my mouth was no welcome distraction, the crawling of my skin keeping me grounded.

"Looks like you managed to shut her on up now boy." Tinker snickered from behind me as I closed my eyes feeling nothing but the exhaustion and burning of the tear tracks which had formed on my face. Lifting my arm, I propped my elbow on the wood and pressed a hand against my wet face trying to be inconspicuous in hiding the evidence that they had gotten to me once more.

"For now." Tex commented back smugly, "but who knows how long for, not that it's a problem." His fingers traced down my shoulder as I attempted to jerk from him and was not surprised that he countered me doing so relatively quickly. He was used to the reactions and it was a transparent routine for him. "Always gets a bit shy afterwards, don't you honey?" I refused to react to his goading knowing that it would not come without consequences and as far as performances went, I didn't have a desire to show more to those who had already witnessed enough.
"Reckon you showed our guests a few things though." Tink stated. The man at my side continued to sob and gargle against his own blood and saliva, it was a wonder how he was still conscious but perhaps part of him wasn't willing to let his guard down. The family was cruel to just about anyone and everyone, he was no exception and if he wasn't wise to that before then his eyes had been opened now. Upon knowing he was the centre of attention, he growled through the wet noises which didn't go without reaction from the others. Though it was in the form of laughter and mockery rather than fear or respect. "What do you think we should do with him now Mama?"
"If he can't behave." The matriarch suggested. "There's only one thing for it."
"He's boring me anyway." Tex replied, his fingers drumming against the flesh of my arm. "Think we got as much fun out of him as we're gonna get. Not that there was much to start out with. Anyone else want him?"
"We got room in the freezer." Alfredo alerted them, "Not even worth killing him, I don't want to clean up after his bitch ass."
"Uhuh, that's why you really don't want to. What do you think sweetheart, want to play a little?" Feeling his boot wrap around my ankle, I released my face from my palm and straightened up before he could add to my humiliation and make me collide with the table. Reluctantly, I sucked my gum against my teeth before turning to face them. "Can call it your good deed if it's what makes you happy." I glared hatefully at the blonde who just grinned wider in retaliation. "Not even worth your time? May as well go in the freezer then."
"Or give him to Heather?" Tink offered leaning back on the counter and stuffing his hand and hook into his pockets thoughtfully. "She keeps wanting to have a new playmate. Put down some mats or some shit, maybe a bucket or two." Tex leaned back in his seat, keeping his wicked smirk on me as I inhaled slowly. It would definitely not be a kind death in the hands of the youngest Sawyer, she had shown that she was as malicious as her kin and also lacked any form of empathy or guilt. "Probably have to make sure he does a shit before we stick him in her room though or it'll smell worse than Alfredo's."
"I heard that!" Alfredo piped up offended before all heads turned in his direction sceptically. "Well fuck you all."
The shaggy haired man groaned in protest, his blood covered face turning to me as if I could save him from that fate but there was only one way I could do that and it would be a very final solution. I had enough blood on my hands but as he whinged and grunted, I watched where he edged and tilted his head. Towards a knife. Noticing I had spotted where he was hinting, I sighed. Moving my foot slowly to uncoil it from Tex's hold, I froze and sucked in a breath before moving once more sure that he was invested in once again having it out with his elder brother who was reminding them of who did all the housework.
"That's right asshole, me!"
"Then why does the sitting room smell like your damn infested room? When was the last time you threw out your shit?" The hook man challenged back unmoved by the weak attempts of trying to appear helpful in any way. "Go in there and I'm tripping over damn legs and other parts! If you ain't gonna chuck then at least put them in a damn corner."
"There's no coming back." I breathed quietly to the man while the others started ragging on Alfredo. At the other side of the table, Junior slowly relinquished his grip on Brittany's hair and watched as I stretched my arm towards it cautiously. "You sure about this?" Nodding frantically at me with pain filled howls. I shook my head and clenched my fingers around the knife. It wouldn't be sharp enough to cause much damage in a short amount of time but as they continued to bicker, I withdrew the blade feeling my hands tremble and shake. More red on my ledger. Brittany gave a small noise, enough to have me glance in her direction. She frowned her cut lips but gave a small nod as if to reassure me I was doing the right thing and I didn't doubt it. This was compassion. Peering up at the masked man who had started to raise, she nodded once more at me before edging in her seat knowing the larger man's attention would be on her. I located the more sensitive marks in my mind, ones which could end his suffering sooner. As his tear filled eyes stared into mine, I grimaced and tightened my hold.
"Hey you bitch-" Alfredo started as I forced down the knife in my hand, willing myself to stay focused on the target of choice and not slacken my wrist or hold. It was a small target and I knew as I heard movement this was a one shot process. Gritting my teeth, I pushed all of my weight into my aim and thrust down hard as the wet and warm pus like liquid oozed between my fingers. The cries continued, he thrashed his head as I tried to keep my grip and push deeper into the opening eye socket.
"Well, look at you go." Tinker laughed as I shook my head. I still couldn't get the knife deep enough to cause further damage. "Taking no prisoners there."

Malevolent (Tex Sawyer)Where stories live. Discover now