Chapter 1 Crossing paths

Start from the beginning

well I could figure that out later. We headed back to the police station to give our report, and then we all started discussing what to do next.

"Okay," I yawned, "let's head back to our meeting point after this briefing and decide what we do. I'm sure Oscar and Uncle Qrow will want to know what happened."

"I'm so tired," groaned Yang, "these freak attacks are happening way too much. And it's not even ten o'clock yet!"

"Yeah," sighed Blake, "it was difficult enough having to go back and forth from Atlas like this is so exhausting. At least we get to stay here for a while before we have to head back."

"Okay," said one of the cops, "we just finished reading your reports. You guys can head back now," We all groaned, "What'd I say?"

We finally got back to our living space after a tiring thirty-minute walk. We would have stayed with Jaune's sister again, but there were just too many of us, so we rented an apartment nearby to remain close to them. They paid for our stay because we worked with the military for a while. When we got there, we told Oscar and Uncle Qrow what happened with the thugs.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," groaned Qrow, "these freak attacks are becoming too common. This is the fifth one that's happened this month alone! Where are these guys even coming from?"

"I don't know," said Oscar, "but it seems like these guys are just common criminals who want to rob and steal but have these freaky powers. Maybe we should look into where they got them from."

"We don't have the resources, but luckily, I got a call from Ironwood. He, the Ace Ops, and Penny will be headed towards here along with reinforcements to help us with this problem. Apparently, they've had witnesses saying more than two of these freaks out there."

"The Ace Ops?" asked Weiss, "does that mean Winter's coming too?"

"Sorry, Weiss, but with Ironwood and Atlas' elite out of Atlas, they need someone running the operation, so Winter has to run the military in Ironwood's stead."

"Oh," Weiss' head drooped.

We all knew how much she missed her sister on her travels.

"So," Pyrrha said, trying to change the subject, "we're getting help taking down these criminals with crazy powers? Does Ironwood have a plan in place?"

"Not yet, but he's planning to research who their leader is. Attacks like these don't just happen randomly; they must be planned. The only problem is we don't know where to look. So before they get here, you guys need to keep your eyes out for them if they're on the streets."

"We could do that," said Jaune, "then we just need to locate their hideout and take them down."

"And how do we do that, Jaune," asked Qrow.

"Uh, I am not sure."

"Exactly. The idea is good but means nothing unless we have a plan."

Jaune looked upset and frustrated. He hadn't been doing well for a while, and we were all worried about him.

 He hadn't been doing well for a while, and we were all worried about him

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