31. It's What We Do

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Rick wasn't back by nightfall. Hershel told me he'd watch over the baby for the night so I could rest, and I was thankful for that. I could still hear her cries every few hours though, echoing throughout the cell block. They would quiet down after a minute or two once Hershel fed her.

Since the outbreak sleep had not come easily, but I thought when we moved into a safe area like the prison it would be a little easier to sleep at night. It hadn't. I lay awake tossing and turning for what felt like hours, before finally slipping into a light sleep. I was awoken by the babies cries a little after the sun rose.

Rick still wasn't back by the time everyone was awake. We were gathered in the eating area outside the cell block, having whatever breakfast items we could find. There were a few hushed conversations happening, so it wasn't entirely quiet. I was sitting on the steps eating a dry bowl of cereal when Daryl walked over, plopping himself down right next to me.

Neither of us spoke, we just sat and ate. I was fine with that.

Later that afternoon I was inside the watchtower overlooking the yard. I had my rifle in my hand. There wasn't a proper reason for me to be up here, since the fence kept out anything undesirable like walkers or even people. I just needed time by myself when I wasn't forced to do anything, like sleep, or fight, or take care of the baby.

I watched Maggie and Glenn leave two hours ago, taking a car with them. I hoped they would find more baby formula, because what we had wouldn't last forever.

I heard the door to the inside of the prison open. I turned my head and walked around the tower until I had a clear view of the courtyard. Rick was there with Carl, Hershel and Beth. He was holding the baby, smiling down at her.

I hadn't seen him since this morning at breakfast, when he came in for a few minutes to check on Carl, before disappearing back into the corridors.

I could see his mouth moving, talking to Carl about something, but I was too far away to hear. Rick looked up slightly, before noticing me out of the corner of his eye. I waved at him, to which he nodded.

I turned away from the group and looked at the outer fence of the prison. There was a group of walkers piling up. One of them was holding something, a red crate. They can't do that, right? They can't hold stuff. I swung my rifle up and looked through the scope to take a better look. That's when I noticed it wasn't a walker, it was a person.

"Rick!" I called out, but he was already looking at her and making his way down into the yard.

I kept my rifle up, incase any trouble occurred. Upon further inspection, I could see that she had dark skin and long brown hair styled in locs. The lady had a sword of some kind around her back - a katana? She also had a limp in one of her legs, which I noticed when she stepped forward to grap the fence.

Carl made it to the fence after Rick and helped him open up the gate to the dog run. The walkers had begun to notice that the lady wasn't one of them, and she had taken out her katana, slicing the heads easily off of any who got too close. She was good, really good, but one of her legs was causing her trouble. Maybe too much trouble, because she promptly passed out on the ground.

The walkers began to gather around her, but Carl took two out with his gun, and I joined in with my rifle. Carl and Rick got the gate open, and I saw Rick kneel down next to her before swinging her over his back.

I took that as my cue to leave the watchtower and help them. I flew down the steps and pushed open the door to leave, joining them just as they were leaving the yard.

"What happened to her?" I asked Rick, keeping up with his hurried footsteps.

"Gunshot wound. She was carrying baby formula in a basket as well." Rick told me as we made our way past the courtyard and into the prison.

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