30. Lil' Ass Kicker

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Rick, Glenn, Axel, Oscar, Daryl and I made our way further into the prison. I could still hear the alarm outside, but it was quieter, helping me think better. Walkers had infested the prison, and we had to take down walker after walker after walker. It never seemed to end.

"Lori! Carl!" Rick called, looking in each door we passed. "There's no sign of anyone!"

"They must have been pushed back into the prison!" Glenn reasoned. 

"Somebody is playing games!" Rick spat. "We'll spilt up and look for the others. Whoever gets to the generators first, shut 'em down!" 

"Lets go!" Daryl says.

Glenn and Axel break off from the rest of us, going right while we keep going forward. As we're running, a massive group of walkers builds up behind us, too many for just us four to take out.

"Daryl, get the door!" Rick calls, pointing to a closed door ahead of us.

Daryl sprints ahead and rams himself into the door. It falls open, and we run inside, Daryl shutting it behind us, and pressing all his weight on it to keep it closed. Oscar and I help too, him by keeping his elbow on it, and me by pressing both my palms into the centre of the door. It turns out we made it to the generator room, because Rick busied himself with figuring how to turn them off.

"How do you shut these down?" He called out to Oscar.

"Go help him!" Daryl said, and Oscar moved away from the door further into the room.

The walkers kept pushing on the door, and I kept my palms solidly pressed on the door, practically running in place to keep them there. Suddenly, I heard a commotion behind me. I didn't know what was happening.

"Help Rick!" Daryl grunted, straining to keep the door closed.

"What about you?" I asked. If we could barely keep it closed now, how would he do on his own?

"I'm fine! Help Rick!" He repeated. I hesitated for a few seconds, before letting go and running over to see what was happening.

I saw Andrew and Rick fighting for a gun, which was just out of their reach. Oscar was in the corner, not knowing what to do. It was pretty obvious that Rick was loosing, since Andrew had him pinned to the ground and was reaching for the gun. It's now or never

I leaped into action. I raised my right leg and twisted by body, my leg going along with it, kicking Andrew across the face hard. He fell off Rick, but quickly recovered, standing up to fight. I turned back to reach for the gun myself, before I heard a click. Oscar had the gun. His hand was shaking slightly, pointing it between me, Rick, and Andrew.

"Shoot them both!" Andrew yelled at Oscar, his eyes wide. "We can take back this prison!" Oscar didn't move, the gun trained on Rick's face. My breath faltered in my throat. Was he going to kill us? "What you waiting for, do it! It's our house, shoot them!"

Oscar took a deep breath in, and so did I. Instead of shooting Rick however, he turned it on Andrew, and pulled the trigger. The sound of the gunshot bounced around the small room as Andrew's body fell. Oscar flipped the gun so the barrel was pointing away from Rick before giving it to him. 

Rick took the gun, and that's when I noticed Daryl in the corner, poised to attack Oscar. He must've dealt with the walkers following us. 

With the help of Oscar we shut down the generators, making the alarms go quiet. It was a relief, not hearing it screaming into my ears, even if some of the sound was still repeating itself in my head.

"Lets go." Rick said. "We'll deal with the body after we find our group."


We met up with Glenn and Axel in the corridors shortly after leaving the generator room. None of us had said a word, just quietly walking, keeping our weapons ready incase we need them. 

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