Shar had reached over moved the wheel to the seat she was in and drove.

"So Rook moving on." Ben said.

"Yes. I have heard many stories about the great Ben Tennyson. Some I'm sure are just rumors."

"Oh yeah like what?" Ben asked.

"Alien X." Rook said.

Ben had gotten quiet again but Shar spoke up "Oh Kirby's Celestialsapien form?"

"You've seen it?!" Both boys exclaimed.

"Oh it was a whole thing." Shar said "Kirby said the only reason he hasn't flushed that strain of DNA is because they would come back or make his life hell."

"Bellicus and Serena." Ben said looking off "So he can control Alien X?"

"From what he tells me it is more he can control turning into and out of it." Shar says "Could you tell me why he is so against it?"

"When I first used Alien X I got trapped in it," Ben said looking down at his hands and making fists "They were willing to let my planet blow up by the Incurseans."

"Ohhh that explains why Kirby called Attea a Fly Muching Frodie." Shar says.

Ben was gobsmacked while Rook was snickering. "Frodie!"

"So what's your favorite transformation?" Ben asked Rook.

"Chromastone seems the most interesting from lore." Rook said "Waybig however is something I would like to witness since getting within reaching distance to a To'kustar would be an experience writting home about."

"I'll turn into him when I get the watch back." Ben said "Hell we'll take a few selfies."

"Selfie?" Rook asked.

"I hate the word, I know what it sounds like but trust me it isn't."

"Self picture." Shar said.

"So Shar what's your favorite transformation?" Ben asked.

"Yes you seem hesitant about it." Rook said.

Shar had gulped "Oh you many impressive ones...who could say..."

"Tai Quan Dude." Ben guessed.

"I have never heard Kirby use any by that name." Shar said scratching the back of her neck.

"Ben what would you name a ravanagander transformation?" Rook asked getting a look on his face.

"Well if it was just randomly found Tai Quan Dude but since that's not in Kirby's playbook...the logical option is Bis-"

"Hey look smoothies!" Shar said pointing.

"Shar that is a Roebekampus Multipede." Rook said.

Shar pulled up near him "Hey are you open?" Holding up a fist full of money.

Shar pulled up near him "Hey are you open?" Holding up a fist full of money

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"Always for my favorite people." The Roebekampus Multipede said taking the cash and flipping through it "How many?"

"5 and 2 with extra mitochondria and a double Amy." Shar said.

"Yes ma'am." The Smoothie Vendor said.

"5 Protozoan Smoothies, 2 regular, 2 energy and 1 protein

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"5 Protozoan Smoothies, 2 regular, 2 energy and 1 protein." The vendor said "Enjoy."

Shar passed the regular to Rook and Ben then sipped hers.

Rook and Ben both weren't sure about eating it.

"You watched him spit this up right?" Ben asked.

"Fresh." Shar said.

"I am...hesitate to consume this." Rook said.

"I have seen Kirby down 12 of these things in 1 sitting and go back for a 13th." Shar said "They are usually the only place open late enough."

Ben hummed.

"The day thee Ben Tennyson disrespects a smoothie is quite a occasion." Shar said.

Grey Matter stood up and said "Your right, bottoms up. Or straws down."

Ben drank part of it and smacked his lips..."It's mid but it's alright."

Shar passed the Double Amy and Ben tried it.

"Get me 5 more of these!" Ben shouted eating the walls of it.

Ultimate OmniverseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora