Power outage?

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"-Annnnddd here is the palace!" Mecha said as she showed the leaders and branch her palace. It was filled with emerald green and brown walls and the lobby was HUGE. The walls were covered in instruments that the classical trolls also used to make their music.
"feel free to look around! ...just don't break anything..." Mecha said and all the leaders were gone in a few seconds. Delta, Trollzart, Queen Essence and Prince D were looking at the instruments that were very carefully displayed. Trollex, Barb and branch were looking at the architecture (yes, the architecture was so interesting even barb was admiring it) Quincy and poppy were looking at all the steam punky devices.

"Hey Mecha, what does this do?" Quincy asked while holding a bottle a glowing substance. Mecha walks over to Quincy "oh! That's a potion, but don't open it, it's still a work in progress and it'll boil you alive if you do." Quincy carefully puts the bottle down very slowly and carefully.

The lights in the palace suddenly go out. "again....? I'll go check on it. Don't die while I'm gooneeeee!" Mecha leaves and goes to fix the power.
After about 10 minutes, poppy and Aro to check on Mecha to see if everything is ok.

Poppy and Aro see Mecha near an open power box and start approaching her"

Poppy: Mecha is everything alright? You've been gone for a bit.

Mecha: hmm no not really. The power box and the generator are in perfect shape and yet they still went out.

Aro: did you try cleaning it?

Mecha: yes

Aro: refresh?


"Rearranging wires" "yes" "check for pests?" "That's the first thing I did" "how many times did this happen?" "It's the third time this week. It's not just a power malfunction" the power box then blows bust in Mecha's face and she starts coughing. "Mecha are you ok!?" Poppy asked with concern and she was almost yelling. "Y-yea I'm fine. Thanks" Mecha says as she dusts off her dress and shakes her train skirt trying to get the dust off. Mecha looks at the box again. "Well that's new... Aro, did your kingdom every get random power outages?" Mecha asked. "Only once" "oh... so it's not just my kingdom... there might be something going wrong somewhere...

Suddenly the power turns back on and everything is back to normal as if it never happened. "Huh... that's weird... I wonder if it's happening to the other trolls too... no...it couldn't be possible... it couldn't have happened in more then 2 kingdoms... could it?" Mecha asked herself in a quiet tone.

Trollex comes in to the room where Poppy, Aro and Mecha are. "Hey guys, is everything ok? You've been gone for...20 minutes..." trollex asked. "We've been in here for 20 MINUTES!? How did time fly so fast?!" Mecha loudly asked (mostly to herself) "there was a shock wave... I don't know if that's kinda what you do or not" Trollex responded. "So that's that happened! A shock wave why couldn't I think sooner!"

Mecha immediately runs to a control room and the leaders watch her as she does so. Mecha arrives at the control room and sends out an echo location signal that would possibly find where the shock wave came from. "Mecha? What's going on?" Queen Essence asked.
"I'm not sure, but I'm sending out a signal that might possibly find where the shock came from. If this transmitter is intact enough, I'll be able to find the source!" And everyone starts calmly cheering.

"Wait... what?"
The screen Mecha was using said 'source undetected'
"What does 'source undetected' mean?" Barb asked. "Wait... hold on" Mecha sends out a signal again.
*source undetected*
*source undetected*
*source undetected*
Mecha kept trying to find where the shock wave came from. "Should we be concerned...?" Delta asked. "The transmitter might be broken... I'm sorry I made you all worried..." "don't worry about a thing. It was just a simple deformity hahaha" Trollzart responded. "Well, would some  of you help me with fixing it?" Mecha asked. The funk family joyfully volunteered to help.

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