"I'm sorry, Isabel," William growls.

"Get in the car," Anthony says, glancing over at the. I quickly obey his instruction, starting the car. "If I ever see you again, you better run away or I'll break every fucking finger you have to keep you from ever touching her again. Do you understand?"

I don't hear William's response. Anthony spits on him before getting into the car. I drive in silence for about ten minutes before I can force the words out of my mouth. "Thank you," I say softly, unable to look him in the eyes.

"No need to thank me. I have your back.  He's a low life piece of shit who beats on women because he isn't man enough to fight a real man. How do you know that loser anyways?"

"He's my ex."

"Aw damn. Was he like that why you were dating?"

"Not for the first year," I sigh. "Can we please not talk about him anymore?"

"Fine. Pull over right here," he says, pointing at a small Mexican restaurant up ahead. "I'm hungry and this place is delicious."

Slowing down, I park the car and we head into the restaurant. Most of the tables are filled. The booths are made from wood and have intricate carvings on the back. There's a mariachi band playing on the patio and a fully stocked bar on the back wall. We're seated immediately and given chips and salsa. "What can I get you to drink?" the waitress asks.

"I'll take a Modelo. Bring her a strawberry margarita."

We look over the menus as we wait for her to return with our drinks. I decide on the beef chimichanga with rice and beans while Anthony gets enchiladas with street corn on the side. "What's the deal between Carter and Jay?" I ask curiously.

He takes a deep breath. "I wouldn't know where to start. Why do you ask?"

I shrug. "Jay doesn't seem to like him much."

"They have a history of fighting over girls. Jay tries to keep every female away from him."

"If he doesn't like him then why does he live in the house?"

"It's a long story. There's a lot of history and family ties involved," he pauses. "When did you meet Carter?"

"Last night. We talked for about twenty minutes before Jay sent him to bed."

He chuckles. "Sounds about right."

"What about Kim? I know you said they're not boyfriend-girlfriend but she's around a lot. She's quiet."

He shrugs. "I don't know. She's always quiet. She definitely isn't the jealous or overbearing type which is what I think Jay likes about her. He could make out with another girl right next to her and she wouldn't care. She just doesn't give a fuck."

Hmm. "So they're not exclusive?"

"She's exclusive to him. He ventures out from time to time, especially when he's out of town. But he typically sticks with her. I think it's more for sexual health and no ties."

I guess that makes sense. "There's so much to learn," I sigh. "I feel like I'm going to fail. I mean, the first task he sends me to do and I almost get shot then I get pinned in an alleyway."

He chokes on his drink a little. "Wait. What?"

"The old man from the pawn shop pulled a gun on me. Let me tell you, the sound of someone racking a shotgun is the scariest thing you'll ever hear."

He shakes his head in disbelief. "Next time you ask me to go anywhere with you, the answer is no. Jay is going to find a way to blame me for all of this."

"He doesn't have to know."

He gives me an are-you-serious look. "Isabel, you have little bruises from his fingertips on your cheek."

Thankfully the waitress comes with the food and the conversation comes to an end. The food is just as delicious as he said. I make a mental note to come back here some time. We head back to the house while making casual conversation. I like Anthony. He's been a great friend so far and I'm comfortable around him. Thanking him for joining me, I grab the heavy box and the box of cupcakes and head inside. I stop at his office door and use my knee to help hold the box up as I quickly knock. Several moments pass and I don't hear anything on the other side of the door. I take one step away the door swings open. Kim steps past me with slightly disheveled hair and proceeds to walk down the hallway. Looking into the office, I see a satisfied Jay leaning back in his chair. His content smile quickly fades as his eyebrows furrow. "Isabel. What happened to you?"

"Nothing. Where do you want this?"

Standing, he walks around the desk and takes the box. He sets it on his desk before gently turning my face to examine the little bruises on my cheek. "Who did this to you?" he asks, looking concerned as he gently caresses my cheek.

"Oh I just bumped into something earlier," I shrug, pushing his hands away. "No big deal. It didn't even hurt."

He can see right through me. "Sit."

That was definitely not a suggestion. I swallow nervously as I sit in the chair. He leans back against his desk, typing out a quick message on his phone. Slipping his phone back into his pocket, he sets his gaze back on me. I shift uncomfortably in my chair. "What's up?" I hear Anthony say behind me.

Well shit. He's going to tell him. I don't need my old life drama interfering with this place. Too late for that. "What happened?" Jay asks, finally shifting his gaze to Anthony.

"What do you mean? Everything went smoothly." Jay sends a glare his way and I watch as Anthony crumbles. "With the exception of the guy from the pawn shop pulling a shotgun on her."

Jay glances at me before returning his gaze back to Anthony. "Where were you?"

"At the gas station across the street," Anthony admits, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.

"That doesn't explain the bruises. Were those also from the guy at the pawn shop?"

"I have no clue where those came from. I asked her and she didn't say."

Jay holds his gaze for what feels like an eternity and thankfully Anthony doesn't give in this time. Jay nods once, effectively dismissing him. Anthony exits the room and I stand. "I can't help you if you aren't honest with me."

I feel a little guilty now. However, I don't want William to get hurt and I don't want Jay getting more involved in my personal life than he already has. "I appreciate your concern but I'm fine. Is there anything else you need from me?" He shakes his head so I turn to exit the room, glancing over my shoulder as I walk away. "Enjoy your cupcakes."

A small smile appears on his lips a he shakes his head slightly causing me to smile too. I have faith Jay and I will become friends over time too. We both just have to learn more about each other but I also don't want to over step because he's my boss. This is not your typical workplace so maybe we'll get on common ground sooner rather than later.

The Wrong Side of HeavenWhere stories live. Discover now