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Louis approaches the arena not too far off campus a few hours later, bumping shoulders with his friend Jade as she rambles on about her Econ class. They enter the huge building after meeting up with his two other friends he met at this same spot more than a year ago. Jade, Kennedy and Mallory were the nicest bimbos Louis has ever met. The three girls had asked Louis instantly to be friends and of course, he said yes. Being a freshman, making friends outside of your dorms and classes was hard.

Thankfully, he wore warm clothes today since the end of fall is heavy in the air, along with the rink being cold for the hockey season. and Louis wouldn't give up the chance to wear leggings and a hockey jersey, for himself, not anyone else.

The stands were packed with students, parents and the general public of Orono to watch and support the university team. Finding a seat wasn't too hard for the four, they got higher up in the stands so they could see the ice over the crowd. Before the game had even started, the music playing from the loudspeakers around them made it a little difficult to even communicate with each other, let alone the people around them. The three girls decked out in hockey jerseys, knee-high socks in their school colours, orange and white pom poms in each of their hands, are able to discuss the rumour regardless.

"Do you think it's true?" Jade, the dark haired girl of the friend group asks, eyes wide, as Louis shakes his head.

"What rumour?" Louis asks dumbly.

She gasps looking at her two friends who laugh along with each other.

"About Courtney and Harry, duh. " She waves her manicured hand around, "They're back together." Louis begs to differ since he had the guy's face between his legs just last night.

"Why would he go back to her? She cheated on him with Jack." He acts dumb, wanting to see if they know any more information. He takes the time to distract himself by pulling the sleeves of his jersey over his cold hands and tucking them under his thighs.

"Honestly, she's probably convinced him she didn't do it, even though Dylan caught them in the locker room." Mal rolls her eyes, popping the pink gum in her mouth. She leans over Kennedy towards her friends, eyeing the three waiting for them to speak.

"Dylan wouldn't lie about something like that, he and Harry are best friends." Louis starts and looks up quickly to the sound of one of them barking out a laugh.

"Exactly, Lou's right." Kennedy nods, wrapping a hand around Louis' shoulder and pulling him into her, snuggling into her body heat. "Besides, I heard Harry's seeing someone." The two girls gasp, making a group of older men glare at them from down the row. Louis whips his head up and tenses under Kennedy's arm.

" No way. " Jade covers her mouth and shifts towards Kennedy, Louis can't help but chuckle at Mal trying to see over her head.

"Yeah, Niall said he's been sneaking off almost every night and coming back really late," Kennedy tells them. Niall is Kennedy's friend with benefits? Boyfriend? And Harry's roommate. The fact he's starting to notice Harry's disappearance scares him. Not that he wouldn't want people to know about them, he wants to be Harry's boyfriend.. He's scared that if people start finding out, Harry won't want to see him anymore.

"Oh my god." Jade looks over at Louis, his eyes go wide for a solid second until she starts speaking again, "Too bad you didn't get in there before someone else did, Lou." She says with a clueless look on her face as the other two nod eagerly.

"Right! We know how much you like him." Mal said slowly, reaching over to poke Louis's thigh, shifting to lean back against Jade.

"Well, It would never happen anyway, remember? He said he's ' done fucking puck bunnies '." Louis uses his fingers to make air quotes, the girls laugh while he laughs nervously along with them, picking at a loose thread on his orange jersey. He almost wants to cringe at the words coming out of his mouth considering the circumstances.

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