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Months after the day that Sarina shot the male, Sarina was back to being calm. That was until one day on a holiday off there was a knock on the door. Levi was the one who answered the door as Sarina was cooking, only to see her younger sister with tears down her face and with a military officer right beside her.

"Hello Mr. Ackerman, I'm here on behalf of the young lady beside me. Due to recent events of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Samantha smith must live with someone of blood until the Military can figure out what happened."

Levi looked to Samantha who looked depressed and just like Sarina did when she had spoken about her brother and his wife. Levi nodded his head.

"Alright, Sarina and I can take care of her until everything is sorted out."

"Thank you sir." The military officer said before he saluted and left Samantha with him.

He motioned her in before she sat down on the couch before Levi told Sarina what the officer said to him and she stopped what she did before she went to where her sister was. Sarina hugged Samantha tightly and petted the back of her head as Samantha cried into her elder sister.

"Its okay...I'm right here." Sarina said softly to Samantha

"I....I saw m-momma turn to dust in front of me! H-How can you live knowing that someone died in front of you?!"

Sarina sighed and held Samantha tighter. "I couldn't sleep for a while, it wasn't actually until I was physically tired that I slept. Even then I had nightmares. Its going to happen and hopefully they'll find dad and place him to justice."

Samantha just nodded her head. "I...I don't want to be 16 next month."

"Too bad brat, its going to happen and you're going to be stuck in that stupid dome until you find the person you're going to be with for the rest your life." Levi said from the side side of Samantha

She turned herself around to look at Levi.

"Are you always so darn blunt Levi?" Samantha asked

"Yes." Sarina and Levi said together.

Samantha looked to both of them before she shakily took a deep breath. "I....I guess that I'll have to get used to it huh?"

"For about a few weeks or so yes." Sarina said with a shrug "Knowing how well dad likes to hide...It'll be taking the Military a while to find him."

She frowned. "O-Okay."

After that month Levi and Sarina took Samantha to the dome, but Sarina said nothing mainly because she felt bad for her sister, she knew what she was going through and knew that it was going to be awhile before Samantha was going to be able to sleep well again. Levi knew that she was going to be off for a few days and that night Levi made sure to comfort her and have his arms around her when he could, just so she knew that he was always going to be there for her. No matter what the situation was, he was her soul mate, and her husband and no matter what he was going to be beside her to help her in whatever way he could.

Sarina enjoyed the time that she had with Levi mainly because she was able to keep herself calm while his arms were around her, it wasn't until two weeks after Samantha was within the dome that the Military knocked on the door again, this time Sarina answered it to see that it was her commanding officer. She saluted him as she saw him.

"Yes sir?"She asked out of curiosity

"At ease Miss Ackerman, I have news for you." He said with his hands behind his back

"Yes sir." She said as she stood straight as she looked at him.

"We found your father, and since your sister was the one who had seen your mother turn to dust, it would have been her that would have seen him and the woman he cheated on your mother with turn to dust, but since she's in the dome we're going to need you to go in her place."

She sighed and rubbed between her eyes. "Can I be the one to shoot him Please? He knew that I saw Erwin die yet he does this crap...I want to show him just how disappointed I am of him."

"If you believe that you are emotionally capable of doing so then I'll allow it. Just keep in mind that if you do this, any other's that do the same you will be asked to do so as well."

"I understand sir and I am more than willing to do so." Sarina said with a nod

"That's what I like to hear Miss Ackerman, where's your husband he should be notified about it."

"He's currently out at the moment, but I'll leave him a note. One moment please."

She then wrote Levi a note before she left with the commander. As she got to where her father was she took a gun from the side of the wall and she aimed it straight at him. She said nothing as the commander spoke to her father and the female he cheated on her mother with. Once she was told to shot she did with anger within her as her father begged her not to shoot but she did anyways. Once it was done she placed the gun to the side as she saluted her commanding officer.

"You did the government proud today Miss Ackerman, I am pleased to have called you one of my cadets during your training years."

"Thank you sir."

She was then dismissed only to feel her heart stop as she couldn't feel anything before she dropped to the ground and blacked out.

All in a matter of time [Levi Ackerman love story] Soul-marked AUWhere stories live. Discover now