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Serena stayed put as she waited to see that Levi came back out with her blue guitar which made her place her hands over her mouth.

"Levi..." She said softly

"I never heard you play this before. Even though you boasted a lot, I still don't believe you can play this. So maybe you can prove me wrong." Levi said as he handed it to her.

She nodded her head as she got up. She then got her pick from inside the strings of the guitar before she started to play an acoustic melody. She furrowed her eyebrows before she tweaked it a bit before playing it again. She smiled as it sounded a bit better and she hummed to the tune she was playing. He knew the tune all too well, it was one of his favorite songs, he had learned how to play it on his violin when he was younger. He picked up his violin and played alone with her which made her smile a bit more as she sang as she strummed.

He smiled at her as they finished playing. He then realized that she didn't have her glasses on.

"Dork why don't you have your glasses on?" Levi asked

"Oh, I thought maybe for a few days I could not wear my glasses and wear my contacts instead." She said with a shrug

He rose an eyebrow at her. "Seriously?" He asked

"Yes, what...Do you not like me without my glasses on?" She asked sadly

He put his violin down before he went up to her and cupped her face before he kissed her on the lips passionately as he took her guitar from her. She blushed as she held on to his dress shirt, she then felt herself going back first against the wall as he pushed himself into her.

"Does that answer your question brat?" He asked softly.

She blushed as she looked up to him. "Y-Yes...I...I love you Levi."

He grinned at her before he kissed her again. "I love you too brat. Don't you dare forget it, we're stuck together so don't you dare think for one moment that anything will ever come between us." He said softly to her before he brushed his hand against her cheek softly "I almost lost you once before...I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again."

She blushed even more as she gave him a small smile. "A-Alright Levi."

"Now brat, I think it's best for both of us to go with something we're both good at once we get out of high school. So how about you and I go to the music Academy after High school?" Levi suggested as he smiled at her

She smiled back even more happily. "I'd like that a lot!" She said happily

"Good, I don't want you to ever feel uncomfortable with me Serena. You're the only thing left that's keeping me alive right now." He said before he kissed her forehead.

"R-Really?" She said shocked

"Yes, really. If it wasn't for the fact that you're my soul mate instead of someone else I would have found you just so I could at least know what'd be like to be with you. It'd be worth dying for, just to feel you under me begging me to pleasure you." He said as he kissed down her neck as he moved his hands up under her shirt.


"Serena you have no idea what you do to me, how much you affect both my emotions and body when you speak, or react around me. Just the sheer look of you makes me want you." He said softly to her before he kissed her lips again picking her up and taking her to the bed room where they spent the rest of the weekend there.

Which worried the hell out of Serena, she knew what would happen if something like that happened. When Monday came back around she bit her bottom lip as she stopped Levi from going into their first period class.

"L-Levi...I...I need to really talk to you after class." She said nervously

"Alright, when we go to our second class we can talk." He said with a slight nod

She nodded her head nervously before she went into the classroom after him.

After the class Levi held Sarina's hand tightly as they walked down the hall. Sarina knew she had to ask him but she didn't know how to.

"Sarina, before you ask me what you wanted to ask me, can I ask you something first?" Levi asked curiously

"Uhm...Y-Yeah sure." She said with a smile

"When you first heard about soul mates, what was the first thing that came to mind to you?" Levi asked her

She blinked her eyes a few times before she stopped him from going into their class. "The first thing that came to mind was the fact that I may or may not ever get to be near that person. My condition as a child placed a lot of fear within me Levi, I might have acted happy around you, but that was because I didn't want you to worry about me. But I was scared that I'd never know what it'd be like to love someone, that my soul mate wouldn't ever know me as that. But when I went to get checked up on while in the military I was given an injection of something that blocks my condition for thirty years. So as long as things go right between us now I'll be okay."

He furrowed his eyebrows a bit. "I really hated it when you faked your emotions for my sake. I knew that I was clueless about what you suffered through but that didn't mean that you had to hide it from me. Sarina, I care a lot about you....even back then. You have no idea just how much I would have given just for you to be honest with the both of us. I will admit it now, but back when we were kids...I fell in love with you and I crushed on you a lot. But getting the nerves to tell you was hard since I didn't know if I was your soul mate or not."

"So, lets just say I get pregnant you wouldn't push me from you would you?" Sarina asked curiously

"Hell no, Sarina you and I are soul mates for a reason. Us getting out of that damn dome place on the first of January signified that you and I are married to one another. Which means that it wouldn't be a bad idea for us to have children. Of course many of the people who have soul mates are waiting until the tension between them is gone to come back, that doesn't mean that I don't want to be with you once you start to grow a stomach because you'd be caring around our child." Levi said seriously "Why the fuck else would I have done what I did this weekend?"

He asked her with a smirk on his face. She looked to him shocked.

"You sneaky s.o.b!"Sarina said in shock

He chuckled and kissed her cheek softly. "And now you know why you're sore right now, I want us to have a family Sarina, I know you might be unease about it, but I know you'll be a perfect mother. You have the compassion for it."

She averted her eyes away from him as she blushed deep red. "Damn you Levi."

He chuckled a bit before the two of them went into their class. When they did they saw they were the only one's there besides their teacher. Their teacher frowned at them when they came into the class room.

"I'm sorry you two but since you two are the only ones that are in this class its being called a study hall now due to the other couples not coping with one another and ending up killing themselves."

Levi shrugged it off as Sarina sat down in horror. She couldn't believe that the two women she had be-friended were gone. She tried to shake it off as Levi helped her with her homework and tried to get mind off of what they were told.

All in a matter of time [Levi Ackerman love story] Soul-marked AUWhere stories live. Discover now