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-Age 10-

"C'mon Rena how hard is it for you to jump?"

"B-But I'm scared! What if you don't catch me like you said you would?!" The female said scared. "Levi you are going to catch me right?"

"Of course I'll catch you. You were the stupid one to climb the tree to begin with!" Levi said as he had his short arms up to her

The female bit her lip and looked both ways before she jumped down. As she did she landed on top of the male who had his arms around her.

"Darn you're heavy. Have you been eating ice cream again?" Levi asked as he pushed her off of him

"No! My daddy is having me train with him and my big brother Erwin." She said with a pout. "I'm cut off from sweets until I'm 16."

That caught the short males attention. "You know what will happen when you turn 16 right?"

She shook her head. "No, what will happen?"

"You are taken to this place where they have you find your soul mate. Apparently these numbers show up on your back under your neck and someone has the same numbers on their back."

She then lied down on the grass as she sighed. "I wonder who my soul mate is? Don't you wonder who your's is Levi?"

"Tch, don't be stupid. I could careless as long as the person knew that I wont deal with someone who's a slob I'll be fine."

She sat up quickly and hugged Levi from behind. "You really do have a cleaning Ocd don't you?" She asked with a bit of a laugh

"At least I can keep my room contained how about you?" He teased

"I can keep my room contained its my stupid younger sisters fault that it's messy!"

"So is that why you've been asking and begging your mother to let you have your own room?" He asked with a raised eyebrow

"Yes! That's exactly why! I can take two hours to clean up her crap and within two minutes she'll have it a mess again!"

"I'll believe it when I see it." He teased again

She pouted again before she messed up his hair and ran off knowing what it did to him in the end.

"Serena get your butt back over here!" She heard Levi yell from the front lawn.

She laughed and rushed to the back lawn only to go back to the front of the house just as quickly and she went into the house to take her shoes off quickly before she rushed up the steps to her room. She heard Levi rushing inside as she got into her room. She quickly slid under her bed behind a chest that had her stuffed animals in it. She heard him come into the room as he sat on her bed to catch his breath.

"Stupid woman, you know I can't run fast! Now where the hell are you?"

He was greeted with silence until he saw her younger sister. "Samantha have you seen Serena?"

"No I haven't seen the crazy bitch. Why the hell do you want to be around her anyways, our parents both know that she's just going to die in a few years."

Levi rose an eyebrow at this, as did Serena. "Why would she die in a few years?" Levi asked seriously

"Of course you haven't seen it while being around her. She's being casted into the armed forces like our brother. Two people in our family is always placed in the army so our parents chose her and Erwin. She has a bad heart condition that'll make it difficult for her to keep up with Erwin."

After hearing that Levi left, he didn't want to hear what he had from Samantha. If what she had said was true then Levi wasn't even going to try to be friends with Serena anymore.

-age 16-

Serena had finally gotten the consent to leave the military because of her heart condition and to find her soul-mate. She was taken to the town square that was in a small dome container where she was given a picture of what she had on her back. She was then told to sit down in a chair and hold it up next to two other girls. She spoke with both girls to find out that their name's were Hanji and Isabel, she became very acquainted with them before she had Isabel tap on her shoulder. She saw why, a male who looked like her best male friend when she was ten came up to her.

He had the same number sequence as her on a necklace around his neck. He went up to her and pulled her up.

"Lets just get this over with." He said unamused

"Well hello to you too. Can I at least know your name?" Serena said sadly

"Levi Ackerman, you?"

"Serena Smith."

He stopped and he looked at her confused. "No way in fucking hell are you her. Her stupid sister.."

"Was an idiot and didn't know what she was talking about. Levi I've been looking for you since that day. Yes I went through the army training but I didn't die through it. I...I've been worried about you." Serena said sadly

"Tch, we can play catch up later. Lets just get this over with alright?" He said as he held her hand tightly entangling his hand with hers.

She smiled and nodded her head as she followed him to where he was going. She saw that he was taking them to verify the fact that he and her were in fact soul mates. Once they came up to a podium they gave the paper that had their marks on them. They were then checked before a small ring was placed on both of them signifying that they were officially one. Levi softly kissed her on the lips before he took her out of the dome and into the car he came in.

"You know I hate winter." Serena said as she begin to shiver as they walked.

"I know, even though your birthday is at the end of December." Levi chuckled as he held her hand tightly.

"Oh shush you. At least my birthday isn't on the same day as some fucked up christen holiday."

He pushed her into the snow only to be pulled in with her. She laughed as she saw the irritated look on his face. "Pay back is a bitch."

"You'll pay for that."

"I don't think so." She said before she tackled him into the snow and kissed him on the lips.

He kissed her back as he held on to her hips tightly, he had thought he had lost her, he had pushed away everyone because he had thought that the only girl he had cared about was already gone. But here she was in his arms, smiling, joking around like she had been not even six years ago.

"I'm sorry for going off on you, I didn't want to get close to you just to see you die." He said sadly

She giggled and placed snow on his face a bit. "You can make it up to me by staying beside me until we're both dead."

He shoved her into the snow and buried her face a bit. "Alright, just don't call me crazy for being beside you for so long."

She shook the snow off and smiled at him. "That goes double for you to me. I was in the army ya'know."

"How did that go for you anyways?" He asked curiously as he helped her out of the snow.

"I quit out of it after I saw my brother get shot right in front of me." She said sadly.

"Why was he shot? I didn't think we were at war." Levi asked confused

"H-He cheated on his wife with a girl name Petra. I was friends with his wife and was talking to her when all of a sudden she turned into ashes in front of me. The only thing that was left of her was the ring she wore." Serena said sadly "His punishment along with her was to be shot on spot and any witnesses of it had to be there. Since I had seen his wife turn to ashes I had to see my own brother get killed in front of me."

He wrapped his arms around her tightly as she began to cry. "Its alright, you're away from there now. I promise you that it won't ever happen with us. I care too much about you to be with anyone else."

She nodded her head before she kissed him on the lips. He kissed her back as she felt him rub her back.

All in a matter of time [Levi Ackerman love story] Soul-marked AUWhere stories live. Discover now