(ii) one of the best kisses of your life

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it was 1am when you woke up disoriented and hungry.

whose house was this? oh right, party, za, hookup, gojo satoru.

gojo satoru, you repeated in your head. then you looked at the boy asleep next to you. the lights were dim and you were under the covers. what the fuck was happening.

you cautiously reached out to touch his snowy hair, your hand shaking because you were still not awake enough for this and you hadn't processed shit.

wow. soft.

"goodmorning", you nearly fell off the bed when gojo satoru popped up abruptly, wide awake with a smile that said he wanted to mess around, "i know i know, i look adorable when i sleep"

"why are you up", you asked, sitting up straight in bed and yawning.

"i don't know", he shrugged, "but i'm very hungry"



"why were we cuddling"

"because you got me high and took advantage of me"

"excuse me?!?!", you narrowed your eyes at him, pushing him backwards. he didn't budge. "you were the one so confident about taking back to back hits"

"you're excused", he smiled wide

wow. this was new. this was a complete 180 from the mood he was in before he slept. he wasn't a mystery anymore, he was just annoying. hot and annoying.

it was messing with your perennially high brain how gojo satoru went from an idea to a person in a matter of hours.

"so you're hungry?", you asked, "and also whose house is this"

"oh don't worry about that, it's one of my really close friend's", he reached out and patted your head, "come let's look for food"

"yeah, no", you frowned, looking around the dark room. your hand searched around the bed. he turned on the nightlight.


"joint", you said in a slightly whiny tone.

"ieri took it"


"i don't think the party's over", he said, checking his phone, "they took the bong downstairs. it's only 1am."

"let's go", you stood up to go in front of the mirror and began to fix your outfit and your hair. god knows what conclusions people were going to come to downstairs.

you glanced at your reflection and then at satoru in the background, whose eyes were fixated on you with a look of utter... wow, maybe he was right. maybe you really just met him on an off day.

"what is it", you turned around, feeling your face grow hot. why was he suddenly looking at you like that?

"you really are hot", he didn't mince his words and slowly got up from the bed.

"yeah?", you were nervous now. you felt like your knees would give out. "and what else?"

"i really...", he walked towards you, running a hand through his hair. then he closed any gap that existed between the two of you, "really..."

you were breathing through your mouth now. his hand slid to your waist, waiting for you to stop him. but who in their right mind would ever?

"wanna kiss you", his voice was lower, his lips inches from yours, the tension too much for you to handle.

you leaned forward slightly and your lips found his automatically. they were so soft as they moved against yours.

his kisses were generous and deep as his grip tightened on you. he guided you backwards till you touched the cold wall against you.

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