5. Crying Flower

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"Are you free today Harvey?"

"I think so Tamara, why?"

"I thought you will go again just like yesterday"

"No, I don't think they need more treatment. Beside, Baji left them some ointments to help Winston"

"Ah, I see. Can you accompany me Harvey? I need to wash myself"

"Sure Tamara"

After they ate, Harvey and Tamara went to the river. Tamara asked Harvey about her clothes and he said that he dried them yesterday. She felt so happy and decided to wear them today.

"Should I carry you Tamara?"

"No, maybe next time. I need to move my body so can feel better"

"Then let me carry your fur"

Actually, she kinda embarassed because Harvey definitely saw her undies yesterday. "N-no Harvey thanks"

They walked together to the river thru the short way as usual. Tamara asked Harvey if he could find her something to scrub her body.

"I need something to make me fresh, also maybe some flowers so I can smell better"

Harvey brought her some grass which smelled like mint and some strange looking hydrangea.

"Thank you Harvey, do you also want to take a bath?"

Harvey blushed really hard. "After you, Tamara"

"Um, o-okay. Then look away now, I want to wash myself"

Harvey did as she asked. Tamara hide her blushing face. She recalled how aroused he was just by a kiss on his cheek. Thank God, he wore animal fur last night. She cursed herself for asking him to take a bath together. Idiot Tamara.

After took a bath, she wiped her body and hair with a fur that Harvey bought and then wore her clothes. She screamed happily inside her heart because finally she can wear her undies again.

"I'm done Harvey, you can look at here again"

Harvey stunned, Tamara looks so beautiful. She's the most beautiful female he ever saw even she's a bit skinny compare to another females. But her curves indeed beautiful and Harvey can't help but aroused that time.

He looked down, cursing himself. "T-then can I take a bath now Tamara?"

"Of course, don't worry I won't look at you"

Harvey felt bitter, he isn't interesting enough to make her look at his body.

Tamara did not recognize his mood because she already looked away. She looked at the sky and felt better. Sun here is not as hot as the sun on the earth, or maybe because it's still morning. The weather also nice, Tamara thought she'll get getter in no time for sure.

She put her jewels again, feel a little bit down because her loved ones again. She erased her thought and started hand-combing her hair. Hopefully her long hair will dry fast. "What a style in a primitive world"

"I'm done Tamara"

"That's fast"

"I don't think I'm that fast Tamara, that's just how I usualy do"

"Sure, now you smell good"

"That's just how I smell"

"You did not scrub your body with grass and flower?"

"No Tamara, I took a bath in my beast form"

"A-ah hahaha I see", she said nervously. Almost forgot that he is a leopard.

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