3. Breakdown

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She screams Harvey's name but there's still no reply. The bloody man fell to the ground and she ran to him. "No! Don't close your eyes!"

She wanted to slap his face to make him stay awake but a huge scar on his left side forbid her. All over his body also full of scars. "No! Shit! This is why I won't go to medical academy"

Tamara cursed herself, "I saw nothing, I saw nothing", she whispered. "That was a monster di-no! What's with men in this village damn it!"

First it was Harvey's nice ass and now a monster di-shit!Is this a nude community village or what?

She gently taps the man's unwounded cheek,"Sir, look at me!". The man opened his eyes for a split second. "You are doing great, don't lose your consciousness okay?"

And finally she saw Harvey running with something on his hands. "Harvey what took you so long? This guy need help!"

"I'm sorry Tamara, I went too far"

"Cut the crap, now you should bring him to the healer"

"Do you want me to transform and carry you? But I need to take off this fur"

"What are you talking about? This is not a nude competition! Just carry him now and let me help you to carry this"

She took what Harvey carried and pushed Harvey to the wounded man. Harvey do as she asked and they ran to the village. Harvey lay the man inside his hut gently. "Tamara, I will bring Baji now", she just said yes while putting what Harvey brought to the ground.

Tamara don't know what to do, this is her first time experiencing such situation. She sat beside the guy, fanning his wounded left eye with her hand. "Don't worry Sir, my roommate will bring a healer soon. Please wait okay? I'm with you so you don't have to worry"

Not long after that Harvey arrived with a fine old man. Wow, is that Baji? Yes he looks old but definitely GILF material. How old is he?

"Excuse me, female", he said. "Ah, yes", she stood not far from them.

They clean his wounds and do anything that Tamara could not understand. They also put slimey gel to his wounds and she barely hold herself to vomit. Thankfully they cover them with smashed leaves.

"You have to check his wounds regulary, Harvey"

"I understand Baji"

Seeing that their work done, Tamara wanted to talk. "Um, so you are Baji? My name is Tamara, thank you for your help Baji. Harvey told me that you helped me, also thank you for saving this guy"

Baji look surprised, what a strange female. "You don't have to say thanks, female. It's our duty as a male"

"Still, I want to say thank you"

"I see, I accept it female. Thank you"

Baji explain some stuff to Harvey and again, Tamara could not get it. She silently watching them. Oh, Baji wear a fur! So at least not everyone walking nude like Harvey and this guy. I should ask Harvey to keep wearing that fur then.

"Tamara can I ask you something?"

"Oh, yes Harvey"

"Is it fine for you that this guy stay a little while before his party come?"

"Of course that's fine. This is your hut Harvey, why did you ask me?"

Both of them look at her strangely.

"I thought you will feel uncomfortable", Harvey said.

"Don't worry, female. I'll ask someone to inform his trading party and gather some male so they can move him to the cave they usually stay. Just please wait a little bit", Baji explained.

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