Chapter Thirty Two: I Like Him?

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{Dedicated to Princess D...for all the support and sweet comments you showered on me!! <3 }


There are some things you can't share without ending up liking each other. -J.K Rowling

Chapter Thirty Two

I Like Him?


"Are you seriously gonna do this?"

"Do what?"


"Fadi, be more specific."

"Okay. Fine. You are gonna surround yourself with goodness knows what kind of books. And mop around all day. Locking yourself in this freaking room. Cutting ties with every person you know. This is what you are doing , and it definitely isn't cool."

I take a deep breathe. "You are wrong. In the morning, I go see Ruqayya. Then I do my chores till late afternoon. And then I study about this place, you guys call Elton." Alhamdolillah Ruqayya is healing and getting better.

She sits next to me. Her black hair jailed in a high ponytail, whereas my hair are in a messy bun, a pencil looped in the center holding it in the place.

"Why are you doing this?" She whispers it. I pretend to not hear her as I busy myself in reading History of Elton.

Highlighting important detail, I'm about to turn over to the next page when the book is snatched away from my hand.

"FADIYA!" I yell.

"Why are you doing this? Ignoring people?"

"Because I want to. Now, gimme my book." I stretch my hand out.

"No." She pulls the book closer to her chest. "You know, Aayan has been bugging me constantly asking me reasons for your barbaric and uncalled behavior."

A wave of I don't know, what passes through my body at the mention of his name. My eyes instantly look away from her prying eyes.

The truth is that I miss him. I miss him so much that it gets hard for me to control myself for barging up to him and demand answers that I want to know. But what pulls me back is the fear of divulging into so much detail of the answers which will leave me confused and maybe torn too. I'm exaggerating I know this.

Shut up, brain.

"Hey, you there?" Fadiya snaps her fingers. "I just received a text saying our schedules are changed. "

"What?" I squeak. "That is impossible. One week isn't over yet."

She stares at me and then few seconds later, she is laughing on my face. "You really think one week hasn't passed? Hun, the schedules are according to time, however, you are slacking behind time."

I grab my pillow and hit my best friend with it.


Minutes later when Fadiya leaves the room to get my new schedule, I'm still sitting on the bed in my shared room. (with my mum, of course!). Papers are scattered mostly all over the bed. I push them aside, few fall on the floor, and I spread the map of the Headquarters of Elton. The current building in which they (Eltonians) are hiding.

The exit out of this building is by two ways; one through the elevator, and the second, the secret passageways. Lucky for me, the passages are highlighted with yellow marker. I trace the path with my finger. It begins on floor/level 36, a panel is situated somewhere in that level. Pressing the lever will take me into a corridors lit by torch flaming lamps.

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