15: crazy

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Im in a deep sleep when someone jumps onto me, almost making me fall off the bed.
"What the fuck?" I mumble before looking up and seeing gigi on top of me w a grin on her face, i shove my face back into the pillow w a Sigh.
"Heyy!!wake up" she grabs my shoulders and shakes me.
"Okay, okay!" I push her off of me and she stands, watching me get changed.
I put jeans and a crop top on and walk out of my room.
"Why'd you wake me up?" I frown.
"Because!the boys are painting their garage and decorating it for their pod, and you need to help."
"Oh okay"

We go downstairs, and we enter the garage where the three boys are painting a wall.
"Look who woke up!" Gigi says as all the boys turn and smile at me before going back to painting.
I look around the room, trying to take it all in.
They have 4 tables under a 'sturniolo' sign, microphones on each table.
It looks like a normal garage.
Some boxes, a ping pong table, more boxes, and a motorcycle
"can i help?"
"Yes ofc, grab a brush" chris points to a bucket that is filled w brushes.

I take one and dip it into his bucket of paint, i stand next to him and start painting.
"Who in your family owns a motorcylce?"
"Me. Its mine." Chris answers.
"No fucking way! Thats so hot."
Did i say that out loud? Fuck.
He chuckled, " i can take you on a ride after the podcast is filmed, if you want to" he smirks.
I blush at the thougth of him on a motorcylce, me behind him.
"Well obviously i want to!"
"Great" he goes back to painting.
I can see matt and nick smirk to eachother on the corner of my eyes, so i kick nick in the leg, "Ow! What was that for?" Me and gigi giggle.
"Guys uhm.." matt says, and we all turn in his direction.

Gigi goes to stand by him, "me and gigi.."
"NO WAY!" me and nick turn to eachother and squeal.
"You own me 20 bucks, bitch" nick flashes his tounge at me before turning back to the couple.
"Dont tell me you guys made a bet." Matt shakes his head in disbelief.
"What? I still dont get it." Chris says, tilting his head to the rigth.
"They're a couple,chris.".i turn my head around a chuckle.
"Ohh!" Chris smiled and nodded.
Nick and chris went up to matt, and gigi ran up to me.
I hugged her, whispering in her ear, i smiled.
"Im so happy for you."
"Ik, now its just you two were waiting on."
I hit her shoulder to make her shut up.
"Enough! We also have a lot to talk about.." i blush at the thougth of the kiss.

I spent atleast 2 hours thinking about the kiss before i could fall asleep last nigth.
It felt so right. I loved every second of it, and if i could, i would do it over and over again. The way he pulled me closer and closer by my waist, or how i gripped onto his hair pulling him closer.
I wanted to stay like that.
I never wanted to let go of him, i never wanted for our lips to part.
Our whole bodies melted together, the feeling of him submerging into me made me go crazy, like an addiciton.
I think about it over and over,replaying it in my head makes me fold.

"Oh okayy" she smiles.
We finish painting, and since the paint has to dry we decided to go get mcdonalds since everyone was hungry.
Chris sits in the drivers seat, and i sit in the passanger.
Everyone has just told chris what to order on the way, but i didnt.
We get there, and chris orders.
"And uhm.. give me a second please "
"Of course" the voice from the radio says as He turns to me. " you didnt tell me what to order, did you?"

I form my lips into a thin line, his eyes travel all over my face searching for an expression, reading me like a book once again.
"Nope, im not hungry.." i cant even get a sentece out when he is looking at me like that.
"Come on, please." He pleades and placed his hand on my thigh.
His thumb moves up and down on my inner thigh,making me shiver.
I watch as a smirk grows on his face.
Why does he always enjoy making me crazy? He shouldnt have this big of an impact on me.
"Fine.." i give him a faint smile.
He won me over, once again.
He turns around and orders my food,
And i drip all over the seat.
I am a liquid, and i am dripping all over this seat.
Liquid,slippy nothing.

He finishes talking to the radio and pushes his hips foward, slumping deeper into the seat.
No one say a word to me.
I stare at him drive foward to the next window and he takes the food.
He gives it to everyone and his and mine stay in his hand only.
"Hey? Hello??" He waves in front of my face.
"Sorry.." i mumble before taking the bag out of his hand and taking out my mcflurry and start to eat it.
I can see him smirk to himself before staring the car and driving away from the window.

Chris's pov.

I smirk to myself and drive away, then i find an empty parking lot where i park the car.
Nick, matt, and emily are continuing a convo just as me and nae.
Then, nick turns to me.
"Are you and lily still together, chris?"
I roll my eyes. "Yep,havent got a chance to talk to her. But im hoping for tomorrow."
Nae squints her eyes at me, " you want to break up w her?"
"Good." She nodds.
Good? Shes happy that me and emily are going to be over. I just want to know why? Is it because she hates lily or ?
"Oh btw, there's this party were having tomorrow at our's."
"But we can shut it down if you dont want to" i worry
"No, no. Its fine."

We all finish our food and we drop off gigi at her house, and were on our way back home.
The paint has dried when we got back, so we could immediantly film the podcast, so we got to work.
We all sat down, me nick matt and nae.
I was almost facing her.
Nick set the camera up and did the intro, then he took out a sheet of paper and read topics from it.
"Soo.. first is when did we meet and how." He read.
"Well we were friends in highschool, kinda." Matt
"Yeah, and when she moved in, the morning after was when we first bonded." Chris
"Yep, when i cooked you guys breakfast because none of you knew how to" She nodded and chuckled.
"Still dont." Matt

The podcast went on, we all had kept the convo going and going.
I was happy that she was opening up more, since i have noticed that in our videos she doesnt speak that much.
We kept eye contact a lot, our knees touched under the table, but neither of us moved.
Nick and matt probably noticed our glances between eachother but didnt say anything, thank god.
The podcast ended, and we all split up.
Me and her walked back into the garage for my motorcycle and nick stopped us before.
"Well yall have fun, but chris you have to be back because-"
"I know, i know!" I cut nick off.
We walked into the garage and i parked outside, and i gave her a helmet before putting mine on and sitting on, she hesitated a little before getting on behind me.

"Oh my god." She mumbles. I can feel how stiff she is.
"Dont be scared. Just hold onto me, okay?" I smirk, which she probably can see from the rear mirror.
She doesnt hesitate and wraps her hands around my torso, placing her jaw on my shoulder.
I start the engine and start driving in the late nigth town.
The town isnt quiet, theres still cars driving around and groups of kids are still walking around.
The cool wind blows into my face,the streetligths all around are ligthing the street up.
I can feel her hands sneak up under my shirt, they go all around my abs.
She moves her hand up and down on my body, all around.
Jesus, if she touches me like that again..

I can feel chris's breathing get heavy,
His veiny hands grip the wheel stronger, making the speed go up.
I smile. This game that we have been playing since the kiss makes me go crazy.
We both know we want eachother, and we make eachother crazy for it.
We havent talked about the kiss since it has happened, but ive thougth about it so much.

We drive into the parking lot of a gas station and he parks, we both get off and take our helmets off.
His hair is complitely messed up,its all over his face and fluffier than ever.
I chuckle, "come on" we walk into the gas station.

1610 WORDS

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