"Are you threatening an officer of the guard on duty?!"

"No, sir," Pink Sunset smirks, "I'm saving your life. Your little piece of paper wouldn't protect you if you entered princess Luna's quarters without the proper company, and her magic isn't... merciful. I'll go grab the Commander. He's the only one who can enter in the princess' absence without suffering consequences," he almost presses his nose to the Royal Guard's and growls, "And trust me when I say that the only reason I didn't let you just waltz in already and later laugh in your widow's face during the burial of whatever little would be left of you is that, unlike you, I might be a bit pink but I'm not a cunt."

Shoving the Royal Guard aside, Pink Sunset strides off, his tail swishing in temporary victory from side to side.


Sharp Biscuit breathes out a sigh of relief as he rounds the corner, following Pink Sunset, and sees the Royal Guard simply standing by the window opposite Luna's door.

"Good job, Pink," he whispers.

"No problem, Commander."

As they approach, Sharp salutes to the Royal Guard who raises the warrant and nods his head:

"Pink Sunset told me everything. Give me a moment to make sure it's safe to enter," he says politely before entering the suite and quickly closing the door behind himself.

Now, entering Luna's suite without her in there would indeed be dangerous but it would be downright insulting to think that the best magic user in the world wouldn't be able to set up protective spells able to filter out intruders on their own. Thankfully, superstitions about Luna had two sides and this time the 'evil witch' one worked in Sharp's favor or, more accurately, 65536's favor.

"Hi, Sh-" the changeling who was reading a book in the corner in the direct sunlight under the window opens its mouth to greet him and immediately gets shushed.

"Shh, we've got a problem."

"Oh no!" mouths 65536 silently.

"A Royal Guard needs to search the suite and if he finds you, you're screwed and Luna is in deep trouble too," whispers Sharp quickly, "Hide the books and everything, now."

65536's eyes go wide. However, it doesn't panic, it doesn't freak out, it doesn't fold under pressure.

In dangerous and pressing situations, drones obey orders.

Almost automatically, 65536 methodically rushes around, returning the open books on shelves and hiding its cot under Luna's bed along with Not-Blue stained green from it drooling in its sleep.

It takes a few moments during which Sharp tries to think of a hiding place which would survive a magical search but can't think of anything. One way would be to have 65536 leave through the window but that would almost certainly get it spotted by one of the many patrols flying around or stationed on the roof.

"Got any really good hiding place, and I mean one that's straight up impossible to find? Or maybe a way out of here or something?"

65536 looks nervously at the pony-sized mirror on the wall. Princess Sunbutt said not to tell anyone...

"That mirror goes all wibbly and leads out of here but I can't use it."

"Then how do you know?"

"I can't tell you, sorry," 65536's ears droop.

"65536, this isn't the time for games!"

"It's not a game!" the drone frowns, tearing up, "I can't tell anyone, I promised."

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