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Next time you opened your eyes was because someone was shaking you and calling your name “ Wheeler?” you mumbled as your vision cleared “ Thank God you’re alive.” she sniffled and you sighed “ Shit, how did you get here? Did the monsters take you too?” you asked and she shook her head helping you up “ No. Me and Jonathan were in the forest looking for leads when I crossed threw a portal.” she said and you winched bending over to take the crowbar “ You went threw a portal? Willingly? Alone? Without any weapons?” you asked her and she nodded “ And you’re supposed to be the smart one.” you huffed as the two of you walked on the dark forest “ You’re here as well so you’re not that smart.” she tried to tease “ I’m not, I suck in a lot of things. But at least I have the common sense to not cross to another worldly dimension unarmed….or at all.” you said and you both laughed.

Your enjoyable moment was stopped when you spotted a monster eating a deer “ Shit.” you mumbled, the flashlight that Nancy was holding dropped from her shaky hand alerting the creature of your presence “ Run.” you mumbled and you did just that. Even with your body begging you to stop the adrenaline and the fear of getting torn to shreds was enough to keep you going “ NANCY!” you heard Jonathan’s voice and your eyes widen “ Jonathan?” screamed the girl making you shake your head. You quickly grabbed her and pulled her behind a tree, covering her mouth to keep her from screaming again.

The creature stopped and you cursed inside your head feeling blood sipping threw your wounds, Nancy pointed at a tree trunk and you recognised the slight glow of a gate “ Go.” you mouthed at her tightening your grip on your weapon and she tagged your hand, you shook your head taking her hand and placing it on your wound, the girl looked at you with widen eyes, a mix of sadness and disbelief in her eyes “ I have another way out but…..If I don’t make it take care of Dustie and Steve for me.” you said and before she could complain you shoved her towards the gate.

Hearing the rustling the monster charged at you only to be met with your crowbar “ I already got rid of one of you fuckers.” you spat and motioned to a teary eyed Nancy to move forward as you landed another hit. Once she was pulled out of the gate by Jonathan she looked behind her “ ( Y/N)! COME ON!” she yelled and shook her head as the gate began closing “ NO!” she yelled trying to pull it open “ NO! NO! NO! ( Y/N)!” she called tears running down her face. Jonathan looked at her speechless, having so many questions yet deciding to just put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

You were running as fast as you could, you knew there was no way you could take on another one of those things in your condition, a laugh escaped your mouth seeing the portal on the tree trunk “ Just a little more!” you huffed feet slamming on the ground, you thought that right now in the last second a monster would pop up from around the corner, blocking your way to freedom and slaughtering you. But nothing like that happened your run threw the gate, pushing yourself threw the slimy webs and narrow fleshy walls, until you were out.

Gasping for air you stumbled out of the and into the road, you coughed spitting out saliva mixed with whatever you had inhaled from the other worldly dimension, as you took a step forward bright lights blinded you, the sound of screeching tires rang threw your ears as you fell back, not from any collision but from the surprise “ ARE YOU FUCKING CRAZY!? WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROAD!?” yelled someone coming out of the car and towards you “ IF I HADN’T SEEN YOU-…..Henderson?” asked Eddie Munson in complete shock as he stared at your beaten up form “ Hey.” you said and coughed as you got up, crowbar still in hand “ IS THAT BLOOD?” he asked pointing at your clothes and you nodded “ Yea, look I….I need a ride home.” you bent over to the side opening your mouth to empty out the saliva and whatever other fluids had come up from your stomach.

With a disgusted expression Eddie pulled your hair back “ A ride to the hospital is what you need.” he said and you shook your head “ No hospital, no police. I got to see Dustin.” you mumbled feeling light headed, the adrenaline had wore off and your injuries were catching up to you  “ You can’t even see in front of you, let alone anyone else.” he said taking you to his car “ I’m taking you to the hospital and then telling them to call the cop-“ he didn’t get to finish that sentence as you slammed him on the door, knife out and against his throat, pressed hard enough to let a single drop of blood run down his neck “ No hospital, no cops.” you spat and he lifted his head a bit higher to avoid the blade “ No hospital, no cops.” he agreed and with a nod you shut down.

Life Is A Bit Strange / Straner Things x Reader Where stories live. Discover now