A Girl In The Forest

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Hopper looked at you up and down " So you saw the kid a little before arriving at your home?" he asked and you nodded " Yea, I told him to be careful on his way back and before that he told me that my brother owned him an X-men comic." you said as the officer hummed " Have you had any contact with your father recently?" he asked and you raised an eyebrow " What? No. Why?" you asked as the older man wrote down on his notepad " When was the last time you saw or spoke with him?" he asked as you clenched your teeth " Four years ago when he dumped me here." you said as he wrote down again " It's ok to search your car right." he stated getting up " Hey! What is this all about?" you asked as you got up from the seat at the police station, the man grabbed your keys from a small tray that you had placed your things on and headed outside.

You followed him outside and watched as he opened the doors to your car and inspected the beige seats "Make sure you look in the trunk as well." you spat as he slammed the doors of the car shut and moved to open the trunk, it was empty. You grabbed your keys from his hand " Look kid I'm sorry but I have to make sure-" he said as you got in your car " Fuck you. FUCKING JUNKIE TRYING TO PLAY COP." you spat slamming your door and hitting the gas as " Breaking The Law" by Judas Priest blasted threw your radio. Hopper jumped back to avoid his feet getting run over, he turned to look at the other two who shook their heads " I know why you did that Chief but come on....I mean..." said Powell and Hopper rubbed the back of his head " Should I...apologize?" he asked and the dark skinned man nodded.

Blowing smoke out of your mouth you stepped more on the gas " How even dare he think of that." you grumbled taking another drug of your cigarette. You drove around for a couple of hours in hopes of calming down your nerves, you reached for the pack of cigarettes only to find it empty, tossing it aside with frustration you took a sharp turn, tires screeching and leaving marks on the road, heading back home.

" Hello hon-" the woman flinched when you slammed the door " Did something happen with the Chief?" asked your mother and you thought about ignoring her and heading upstairs but couldn't find yourself doing that " The Chief probably considers me a suspect." you said and the woman rose from her sofa " What! Why?" she asked obviously upset " Well the kid couldn't have disappeared in thin air. I was the last that saw him and....Ah yea, my father has a criminal record. Which apparently makes me a suspect." you spat and the woman took your face in her hands " The Chief is acting stupid, don't worry about it honey." she said as you pulled back " I'll try not to." you grumbled.

Passing Dustin's room while chewing on some candy you heard him talking to his radio ' Are these little shits for real?' you thought hearing about their little meet up, you quickly run to your room once you heard your brother shuffling around in his room. Looking around you begun your own preparations to follow after him, you should have probably go and tell your mother but decided to not upset her any further. Looking threw your things you grabbed a flashlight and opened the drawer of your nightstand, you hesitated for a bit before grabbing the switchblade tacked at the side.

You looked at the sing " Welcome To Hawkins" and then at your father who was smoking one hand looking threw a bag next to him and the other on the wheel " We're here. Can I learn why now?" you asked and the man seemed to hesitate to answer his ( e/c) meeting your own as "In the Wee Small Hours of the Morning" by Frank Sinatra played from the radio " Well daddy can't keep you around anymore because business is getting dangerous. So you're going to be leaving with your mom, her husband and your little brother from now on." he said making you frown " Does mom know?" you asked knowing how your father could be " Yea and she can't wait to see you." he said with a fake smile on his face " Are you happy that I won't be around anymore?" you asked him as he parked. Instantly his smile dropped " No honey, of course not." he said and rubbed his face.

The man got out of the car taking the bag with him, he opened the door and you scooted away from it " Come on now honey don't make things hard." he said seeing the tears gathering in your eyes, you nodded and got out, the man handed you the bag. He took off his black leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders before kneeling down to your level " I know that you might hate me right now but I want you to be strong. So, what are our rules?" he asked as you sniffled " Look after each other." you said and the man nodded " Be careful in the night." you said and he nodded " And look after yourself." you said and the man patted your head " Now that I won't be here you'll have to follow the last one at all costs." he said dropping a switchblade in the pocket of your shirt. 

He looked across the street where your mother and a small boy with curly hair stood at the porch " Go, make sure you don't trouble your mother too much." he said with a chuckle and you nodded tears sliding down your cheeks. You crossed the street, the woman hugged you tightly and share a small wave with your father who entered the car once the door of the house closed behind you.

Whipping a stray tear you shoved the weapon in your pocket and headed out, sneaking behind the kitchen counter you managed to get out of the house from the back door without your mother noticing you. Before heading to the car you stopped spotting a crowbar laying near a pile of unattended random things " Just for extra measure." you mumbled grabbing it and running to your car to catch up with your brother and his friends before they did anything too stupid.

" Stay on channel six and don't do anything stupid." said Mike and the boys covered their faces when strong lights flashed at them " You've done plenty already." you said stepping out of your car, tossing a cigarette and holding a crowbar " Shit, Jumble caught us." grumbled Lucas as the lights of the car went off and you flashed the flashlight on them " What do you think you're doing you little shitheads? Are your ears full of wax?" you asked smacking their heads " Someone has to do something! Will could be in danger!" said Mike " This is exactly why there are search parties with grown ups going around and why you were told to stay home!" you said raising your voice and smacking his head a little harder " But-" " NO BUTS! AND YOU!" you yelled turning to Dustin " DID YOU EVEN THINK HOW WORRIED MUM WOULD GET? WHAT IF YOU GOT HURT?" you asked and then to the other two.

Lucas raised his hand for permission to speak " Look, we're already here so it wouldn't hurt to take a look around. You're also here and if you help us and we find Will the Chief won't have you as a suspect anymore." he said " YOU'RE A SUSPECT?" yelled Dustin and before you could say anything Lucas nodded " Yea, your mum called mine and told her that he questioned her and even looked threw her car." he said " Why are you even a suspect?" asked Mike making a face " Exactly! You don't even have a motive!" said Dustin and the trio started conversing about the topic " ENOUGH!" you yelled making them stop " We have a quick look around and then you get your asses back home. Deal?" you asked and the kids nodded " Deal." they said.

You cursed as thunder rumbled and raindrops started hitting you " LIL BYERS!" you called moving your flashlight around " WILL!" screamed Mike " BYERS!" yelled Lucas " I got your X-men 134!" yelled Dustin. The rain picked up as your little group ventured more into the forest " Guys I think we should head back." said Dustin " If you wanna be a baby then go home already!" said Lucas " I'm just being realistic!" argued your little brother " No you're just being a big sissy!" replied the other boy " Did you ever think that Will went missing because he ran into something bad? And we're going to the exact same place that he was last seen?" asked Dustin " Shut it." you said hearing something from further ahead " I'm just-" " Shut it damnit!" you hissed hearing the rustling come closer and closer.

Hearing it as well the boys cowered together, you handed your flashlight to Mike and tighten the hold on your crowbar. You all turned to the right but saw nothing and then turned to the left, you got ready to swing but then stopped. Infront of you stood a little girl, wearing only a large shirt, soaked from head to toe and obviously more frightened than all of you.

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