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Start from the beginning

Thank you
He joined his hands together and present them a grateful bow.
Please take care of fluffy ball for me.

He laughed at the insufferable groan produced by the spirits and step into the narrow trail.

Darkness surrounded him like a thick blanket. Xie yun light up a talisman as he wind through the cluttered space. Particles of dusts rise from the part of the floor where his legs collided, he tried not to sneeze as he batted away the cobwebs hung low on his way. Eventually, his footsteps flattered infront of a old and faded wooden door.

Xie yun went still for a moment. Taking several breaths to tame his thundering heart he reached into twist the knob. He cringed when the door open with an eerie creak.

Xie yun stepped into the serene silence of eastern reading room. Instinctively, he took a cover on the first object near him and took a peek over his surroundings. The room appeared to be quiet ordinary. There were shelves line upon each of its side, filled with books of spells and enchantment. On the center of the room was a large low table line by wooden stools. Sweet smell of jasmine incense wrafted on the air.

Xie yun didn't waste any time. He stepped out of the cover with calculating steps, wandering on the streching expense of the room.

He called in a low voice.
Are you here??
He asked into the nothingness hopefully.

The more he search, the more disappointed he became. Ziyuan was nowhere to be seen, it's like he was vanished into thin air. Xie yuns posture sagged in desperation. He was about to turn around and leave when he catch the sight of another door in the wall. Dimmed hope in his heart quickly light up.

However, a clamour of footsteps against floor hurrying towards his direction prevent xie yun from going near the door.

His survival instinct quickly kicks in.moving quickly, xie yun squeezed himself in the narrow space of two shelves. His posture went rigid and breath became swallow when the doorknob turned and a familiar sound of master li Lian jie rung through the empty space.

You can wait here young master.
Li Lian ji's voice is dripping with feign respect.
I will be back and accompany you grandmaster xie tu Xin once he was free.

With his heart thumbing against his ear xie yun took a peek through the line of books. His stomach did a unpleasant somersault when he watch a tall figure of a man standing amid the room. Once the door closed shut the man crossed the room towards the bookshelfs near the door on the wall and flicker his fingers through the collections.

Xie yun wasn't aware that the library having a guest today. Considering where the man is standing now and how respectful master li Lian jie sounded earlier, their guest smees to be highly reputed person.

Xie yun carefully inch closer to the shelves and stand on his tip toes to get a better view of the man. The man has his back facing xie yun, his hair was pitch black and wavy. Xie yun suspect that he is hardly any older than he is. What attracts xie yun's attention was the clock he is wearing.

A musky brown one..

Just like that, without his permission his mind wander back to the day on the market. Where he meet a mysterious handsome young man, where the exact young man disappeared on him with so many questions and a strange sensation blooming with in his heart.

Once he realise he was getting lost on the thoughts of the stranger, xie yun became flustered and scold himself for being distracted.

Stupid..stupid.. still thinking about him?? You're here to find ziyuan not to day dream.
He smack the back of his head and whispered harshly himself.

𝐋𝐞𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐎𝐟 𝐗𝐢𝐧𝐲𝐞 (𝐙𝐒𝐖𝐖)Where stories live. Discover now