'Her eyes turn into crescents when she smiles.'

"Ahem! You were saying.." Suga says, suppressing his urge to laugh out loud at the lovestruck mafia boss.

"Oh, right! Remember when Minji said she hated Park Jimin for eloping?" Jungkook pauses, waiting for Suga to answer.

He nods his head, and the younger continues talking, "In the photo Lisa sent, Minji is not wearing the necklace, but... Park Jimin is. If Minji hates Jimin for eloping, why was she laughing with him and of all things give him the necklace? I gifted her!?" Jungkook questions, frustratedly.

"JK, there was no evidence of him eloping or even leaving the country. According to the information I found He's still here, in Seoul." The cat-like man discloses, causing Jungkook to look at him with his doe-eyes wide.

"That means.. Minji lied to me, but why?" Jungkook mumbles to himself with knitted eyebrows.

The mafia leader finishes reading the file, placing it in his desk drawer he lifts his head up and faces Yoongi.

"Suga, I want you to send someone to Parks' house to keep an eye on them and also to uncover the truth about Park Jimin." He orders in an authorative voice, earning a nod from Suga.

"I will send Lisa to take care of it. Is there anything else you need, before I take my leave?" Suga asks, after sending a text message to Lisa and looking back at the mafia boss.

"Did you find anything about Choi Yeonjun?" Jungkook thinks for a second and subsequently questions, remembering the blue-haired boy they captured.

"Soobin told me that Yeonjun still claims that he doesn't work for Lee's & doesn't know why he was in the HQ. But, JK, something about that blue head doesn't feel right." Suga responds, recalling Soobin's words.

"Hm... Hold him in for a couple of more days, and if he still doesn't talk, hand him over to the police. RM would know how to get him talking." Jungkook answers thoughtfully, getting up from his swivelling chair.

Jungkook motions his hand, dismissing Suga as he left the Jeon Corp building himself. Getting inside his expensive black car, he ignites the engines and drives heading home to his mansion. He's ready to find out if Minji's lying to him or not.

》Moonlight restaurant

Meanwhile, at Moonlight restaurant, sounds of laughter & giggles reverberated as Tae, Soyeon & Park twins jokes, teasing each other and recollect their past memories.

"Oh! Yeah.. and Jungkook? He's lovestruck, and guess what? I swear Min is too! I mean, you guys should have been there to see their little romantic moments & their cute love quarrels. They are so sweet that it makes me feel like I have diabetes!" Tae chortles, slapping his small best friends shoulder out of habit as he exposes him to the couple.

Jimin throws daggers at Taehyung with his eyes, cheeks turning red by the second. Turning red from anger or embarrassment or both!?

"Aww! Does that mean our little Min is in love with a mafia leader?" Soyeon teases, poking Jimin's chubby, rosy cheeks, causing his lips to pout.

"What? NOOO! Don't listen to Tae. You know he's spouting nonsense most of the time. I'm not in love and especially not with that Pervert bunny face!" Jimin defends himself, high-pitch voice and pout depending and making him look like a baby.

"OMG! MIN! Your nose!" Tae exclaims, looking terrified and pointing at Jimin's button nose, making the smaller touch his nose while the other two looks at his nose worriedly. "It's growing! Because of the lie you just said!-OUCH!" Tae smirks, earning a painful kick in the shins from a scowling Jimin.

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