Chapter Three

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You woke up late due to forgetting to set your alarm before falling asleep. When you realize you scramble to get ready for work, not having time to shower you spray some dry shampoo in your hair and a spritz of lavender perfume. You say bye to Delilah as you rush out of the door.

Your sitting at the counter eating eggs that cap just cooked "Mmm these are the bomb" Bobby smiles and set a plate in front of Chimney "You ever feel like you missed your calling Cap?", "What were you thinking, Michelin-rated restaurant or short order cook?" "I was thinking TV chief" You hum in agreement. They get to talking about what they'd do if they weren't firefighters, joking about what Buck would be as he sat down "What about you Hart. What would you be doing?", "Honestly, being a firefighter is all I've ever wanted to be. I have a soft spot for kids so maybe a pediatrician or something like that" Hen nods "You do get really protective during calls involving kids, ever though of having one?" You don't really give a reply, you just shake your head silently before getting up and quickly walking down to the locker room. "That was weird" Chimney says as they watch you leave.

You feel yourself starting to shake as you enter the locker room when Buck walks in and cracks a small joke. "What was that back the-" He quickly cuts himself off when he notices you body language. "Hey hey, what happened? Are you okay?" As soon as he asks if you're okay you break down sobbing. He hugs you as you silently cry into his chest. He starts rubbing your back gently. When you calm down a bit he brings you over to the benches and has you sit down, then he grabs a bottle of water off of a shelf and hands it to you "Thank you" you quietly say and take a drink. "Are you feeling better ?" He asks concerned and shocked. You nod softly as he sits down next to you. "I'm assuming you don't want to talk about it yet, but if you need to.." You smile "Thank you for understanding and I'm sorry" He gives you an offended look "You don't have to say sorry for being human" After cleaning yourself up, and thank Buck once more, you walk back upstairs as if nothing ever happened.

Later on as you're helping Eddie, you excuse yourself to the bathroom. As you finish up and go to was your hands the ground begins to shake. You quickly try to stabilize yourself but fail as you fall over. As the shaking becomes more intense the mirror shatters and a small piece shoots off hits your arm and you hiss in pain. You try to go for the door but you let out a yelp as a piece of ceiling falls trapping you in. In a panicky state you make yourself as small as possible and put your head between legs and protect your neck with your arms as your ears ring from the adrenaline.

Outside everyone is scrambling to safety "Anyone else back there?!" Bobby yells trying to clear the firehouse "Em!!" Eddie yells to Buck and Bobby who are still inside. As the shaking slows down Buck turns on a heel and runs to the bathroom entrance "EM! EMERY!!" He yells as he tries to push the door open. Once the shaking comes to a halt Eddie and Buck both manage to shove the debris away and open the door. You look up as Buck rushes towards you and checks you over. "I'm okay" you reassure him seeing the panic on his face. Him and Eddie help you up and Buck notices the cut on your arm "Em your arm" You shrug it off "It's just a scratch, I'll put a bandaid on and it'll be fine"

You guys are in the engine as Eddie is on his phone and says there's no service "Who are you trying to get ahold of?", "My son, I'm trying to reach my son" You look at him with sympathy and sadness knowing exactly what he's going through. You stare out the window to distract yourself and look at the damage around.
Sorry for the shorter chapter, I haven't decided if I want to put Emery with Buck and Eddie or have her fall with Hen

If anyone wants to help decide you can comment, if she's with Hen it's trauma and drama and if she's with the boys it's a small panic moment and worry for Hen. I'll give it a few days and if nobody has input I'll decide in the moment :)

Thanks for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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