Chapter One

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                First day on the job

You had dreamed of becoming firefighter like your Dad ever since you were a kid. Today, you finally get to fulfill that dream.
A\N: Hi, it's been quite awhile since I've written anything and it's my first time writing on wattpad. If people like it ill post often, but otherwise i'll post whenever I have time :) Enjoy!
You walk into the station you had been assigned to. The 118, bigger than you were expecting. You feel your phone vibrating in you back pocket. You moved quite far way from your family looking for a change in scenery and to change as a person. You see a text from your Mom. "Have a great first day honey!" You smile to yourself. You jog up the stairs to find the captain and you see a guy cooking and two other sitting at a table. You walk over to them, a little nervous "Hi, I'm looking for the captain?" The man in the kitchen puts down his spoon "Hart, right?" You turn around now facing him "Captain Nash, right?" You say with a smile. He walks over and you hug. "How's your Dad doing?" Your smile quickly drops. Bobby had went to the academy with your Dad and when you decided to move you remembered he was here. They had lost touch after you Dad and Mom moved. "We lost him around two years ago to a factory fire" Bobby's face softened "I'm sorry to here that"

The two firefighters who were sitting at the table walk over "This is firefighter Wilson and Han" you guys shake hands "Emery Hart, nice to meet you. My friends call me Em" you say with a smile. After that you sit and talk for a bit until a guy you haven't met yet jogs up the stairs. "Buck, this is Emery, new recruit fresh out of the academy" he gives you a cautious hand shake as if he was being forced. You get the vibe that he's not the happiest that you're here, hopefully that changes.

It's been a few shifts since your first and you've really started to bond with Hen, she says how "Us girls gotta stick together". You haven't gotten used to the LA heat and you heard on the news that it's super hot and that it's earth quake weather "Great" you say with a sigh not truly ready for the day.

You roll out of bed and get ready for your second shift at the 118. "Good morning Delilah!" You pet the black and white border collie that took you months to convince you Mom to let you get during your senior year of high school. You wash up get dressed quickly so that you have more than enough time to get through LA's traffic hell.

The first few calls were defiantly crazy, a kid got his arm blown off by a manhole cover and a tour bus crashed into a house.

Your standing next to Hen when your suddenly greeted by a chipper Bobby. Buck comes in stating how dropped half percent on his DXA scan. You roll your eyes and chuckle as Chimney jokes "Oh yeah? They measure the fat in your head?" Buck argues back with a bunch of non-sense about the Men of the LAFD wall calendar.

As they all argue back and forth about the calendar, you and Chimney catch eye of the second new recruit "That is a beautiful man" he says and you reply "Couldn't agree more.." Hen butts in "where's the lie? And I like girls" Buck gets a little defensive and stiffens up "Another one? Who the hell is that??" You give him a 'really?' stare for the comment. "Eddie Diaz, the second new recruit. Graduated top of his class, convinced him to join us" Buck turns back around "what do we need him for, we've already got a new probie?" You get annoyed at his off putting attitude and spit back with a smirk "maybe to give you a little competition, macho man" he gives you sassy side eye and you leave to go greet the new recruit.

"Hey, first day huh? Emery Hart, Em for short, also new recruit. So we're pretty much in the same boat" he smiles and you shake hands "Eddie Diaz, guess that means we gotta stick together. You got my back, I got yours?" You nod " I like that idea" Everyone else eventually follows you in, except Buck, and greets him.

The bell rings a bit later and you all get in the truck. After some silence Buck decides to check out the new guy and throw a couple of questions at him, Hen jumps in asking if he knows about the "hot firefighter calendar" You raise an eyebrow at her since an hour ago she was raving about how sexist and stupid it was. Bobby chuckles in the passenger seat at Eddie's reaction "I'm sorry, the what?" You see how it messes with Buck, so to get back at his snarky behavior towards you, so you join in "It's for charity, you like charity right?" You say with a small smirk starting to form.

Buck quickly changes the subject and pokes at Eddie's name "So is your full name Eduardo?" Eddie quickly shuts that down "No", "People ever call you Diaz?" He turns away "Not if they want me to respond" "Something's gotta give, we got Cap, Hen, Chimney, Em, Buck. We can't just call you Eddie" you stare at Buck in disbelief "Technically, if Eddie is a shorter version of his full name then it's a nickname" Buck rolls his eyes "I can't tell if he's serious or not" Chim pops in "I like to operate on the idea that nothing he says is serious" you nod your head in agreement.

You got on scene and you see this guy blown up like a balloon "Oh my gosh" you say under your breath in shock. Cap immediately starts giving instructions "Let's get him on his side and maintain pressure on the wound" you all lift him off of the tire pump and do as he says "Breathing is shallow, hearts racing" Hen quickly state while assessing Hector. Bobby nods "Okay, Eddie start a nasal cannula and Chimney get him some morphine" They both start doing as directed, "Its like injecting a needle into stone", "pressures pushing everything out" Eddie says in agreement.

"Air pressure is collapsing his organs, we need to get in there and drain the fluid" Bobby directs Buck to start decompressing the pleural cavity. "Want me to help?" Eddie offers "I got it" Buck starts preparing to decompress in the second intercostal space when Eddie tells him to do it a different way and Bobby has Eddie take over. Buck steps back super pissed off.

As Hector is being taken to the ambulance Bobby walks over to Eddie as you and him are helping pack up "Good call Eddie" You smile at him "You really know how to prove yourself fast, great job Probie #2" You joke "Thanks Probie #1" He jokes back. Buck walks by with annoyance "Yeah, good call" He looks at you "Is he always like that?" You sigh "I hope not"

Your finally off your shift. You get home and are instantly greeted by a happy-go-lucky Delilah "Hey girlie! How's my favorite pup doing?" You pet her and give her a kiss on the forehead before going into the kitchen and heating up some leftover pizza you had in the fridge.

After eating you take a long hot shower and get in bed. Delilah follows you up and curls up in a ball at the end of the bed "Good night pretty girl" You say giving her one last pet before laying down and drifting off to sleep.
First chapter!!! I hope it's good, I did write a lot of it from a third person pov which if people like I'd love to continue but I can do first person as well. I'm trying to make it a 'enemies to lovers' type of thing with a good and easy slow burn

Also Eddie and Emery being besties??? I think it'd be funny, some little Team E action!

Hope you enjoyed, I'll most likely update in a week or two depending on how many people read/like it! Leave any suggestions and feedback please! I'd love to know what I can do better :)

Until I found You | Evan BuckleyWhere stories live. Discover now