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There she was. Her right hand hung midair with a spoon that was about to enter her mouth. What an awkward situation that time. Dayana cleared her throat and continued eating. She tried to fix her posture and remained calm. She focused on her food and ignored the gaze that once in a while pointed toward her.

Finishing her food the bridegroom parade entered the hall. Dayana saw Anis in the crowd as she was beside her cousin, guiding her to the dais. The ceremony started with dua' recital and 'tepung tawar' to the bridegroom.

Then family members and friends gave speeches to the bridegroom. Dayana felt so relaxed she ate rice and desserts that were provided during the event. She was waiting for Anis at the parlor at the venue.

"Sorry to keep you waiting. It was so tiring."

Anis sat beside her and fanned herself with a mini fan.

"No problem. Have you eaten?" Dayana munched nut cookies that she grabbed from the dessert table.

"Yes, I ate the with the bridegroom. Now I'm free from following them since they got a photoshoot session after this. Now, I want to ask you, do you see anything?"

Dayana was confused.

"What do you by seeing anything? Am I supposed to observe?"

"Hah! Actually, the reason I invited you here is to introduce you to someone."

Anis took Dayana's hand that was on her lap.

"Dayana, please don't think that I know that you're being insecure being single among our peers. You may say you're fine but I know you feel pressured."

"Anis, everything that happened is based on what Allah planned for us. My time will come, the timing could be a bit later than everyone else. You don't have to worry that much."

Dayana patted Anis's back.

"But sister, you need to work for it to come. Let Allah see your effort too. Come follow me."

Anis pulled Dayana back into the hall. Most of the guests already left the remaining were the family members, close friends, and catering staff. As Dayana tagged along with Anis, they approached a single man who was standing near the fish pond. His back was facing their direction.

"Mika..." Anis called.

The man slowly turned his body away. A smile appeared on his face.

Once again, Dayana was wonderstruck. He was the guy that caught her eyes in the hall

"Hi, Anis. Finally, I get to see you this time."

"Yes, I was so busy just. Sorry that I can't keep you guys company. Have you seen my husband?"

"He was playing with your niece over there." He pointed his finger.

"Thanks. I want to introduce you to my friend from university. This is Dayana Ardini."

"Dayana, this is Mikael Firdaus. He's my husband's colleague and cousin."

"Hi, I'm Mikael. You can call me Mika." He offered his hand.

"Hi, I'm Dayana." Dayana gave him a small smile and a nod. Refusing to shake his hand.

"So, you guys can keep each other company. I'll go look for my husband."

Anis then ran off in the direction shown but Mikael just now.

"Shall we sit somewhere?" Mikael asked a few minutes of silence.

"Sure. I think I saw a bench over there." Dayana started walking to the mentioned bench.

The bench was a picnic bench with a table in the middle and was not secluded. So, people still can see them and avoid rumors.

"So, apparently our meeting was arranged by Anis?"

Dayana nodded.

"Yes. I know she meant good. I'm sorry if this troubles you."

"No. It's okay. I feel quite happy about it. At first, I was thinking about running away, but after knowing it was you..."

"What do you mean by that?" Dayana tilted her head.

Mikael scratched his head. He smiled sheepishly.

"You see, I was mesmerized when I caught your eyes in the hall earlier. I thought you noticed my gazes on you. And then thinking that Anis has set me up to see someone I feel discouraged because I broke the promise."

Dayana laughed.

"So, if I was not was not the one that Anis set up with you, you will leave?"

He nodded.

"Are you happy now then that you stayed?"

"Yes, because earlier I was thinking about the possibility that you already belong to someone."

"You don't even try to interact with me, how would you know?"

"I was afraid that I harbored feelings for a married woman."

"Mister, you need to have courage in life. You almost missed the opportunity today. Anis told me the reason just now. And I did notice your gaze. I don't react much because I thought it could be you watching someone else."

"So, we are even then?"

"Yup. Definitely."

Time passed by as the two exchanged stories and contact for further meetings.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2023 ⏰

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