Chaotic Idiots

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Sonic loves to go fast. Speeding as quickly as humanly possible was something he was known for, even praised for. His blue hair, blue suit, and even his random choice of bright red shoes became a staple for the fans of the racing rocket. Although, they certainly did not stop there. Many agreed that Sonic was the fastest but only if Shadow was not present. They would always be seen competing and over time their fan title of "rivals" became a reality. And here was the so-called rival pacing around the hospital room, feet tapping rapidly when he came to a stop near the end of the bed.

"How long did you say it would be again? There is a big race coming up and-" Sonic's rant was cut short and a hand roughly smacked his back, causing him to move against the bed.

"How many times do I have to repeat it? Shadow is not in any state to be racing, especially not after you bothered him the moment he finally woke up. Plus, you should also be resting, I doubt you have even gone home, you're starting to reak!"

"I'm fine. Really. It's Shadow that..." Amy sighed when Sonic's fist formed a tight grip at his sides. Face falling flat. "Nevermind that, why are you here this late? I thought you were busy. Girls' night with the others?"

"Canceled. We agreed that none of us would be comfortable having fun while Shadow is like-"

"Like what?" Amy squealed when the deep voice suddenly interrupted her own. Eyes wide in shock as he sat up slowly, a hand placed on his stomach for support and the other grabbed tightly at the steel bar connected to the bed frame. "Fuck even happened?"

Sonic and Amy looked at each other, unsure of what to say. Their glances made Shadow a bit uneasy so he let out a groan, leaning further back while shutting his eyes tightly. He did his best to recall the incident that somehow landed him in a hospital bed with two idiots at his feet. However, the harder he tried to recall what had happened after he felt his car flip, the worse his headache got. He winced before biting his lip.

"Maybe we should leave you to rest. You should try to relax. Come on, Sonic." Amy spoke softly and began to tug on Sonic's arm. The other did not budge. His green eyes glued onto Shadow who struggled to get comfortable in the stiff bed. Amy let out a quiet sigh, letting go of the immobile arm. "Don't forget to give me a call if needed. Oh, and Shadow, please try to relax. Try."

At the mention of his name, Shadow looked over unamused when Amy glared at him.


"Great! See you guys soon." She slammed the door shut behind her. The silence that followed didn't help Shadow one bit as he groaned when he tried reaching to fix his messy hair. Sonic was quickly at his side, eyes wide as he scanned the other.

"What's wrong? Something hurt?" He asked, urgency dripping after every word. Shadow noticed how he tried reaching out his hand but quickly dropped it by his side.
"Did you just ignore everything Amy just said?"

"No. I just rather do the opposite of what she tells me." Shadow retorted, hand coming back up slowly in an effort to at least fix some strands. However, he did not expect the sudden grip around his wrist, forcing his arm still. "Let go, shithead!"

"If you stop moving!" Sonic let go quickly when Shadow shook him off, not in the mood to fight, especially with an injured Shadow. It wouldn't be half as fun. "Can you just stay still?"

Shadow gave no response as he looked down at his arms. They were bandaged and he had to admit, he looked a bit like a mummy. Eyes moved along and he noticed his bear hands in full display, white gloves nowhere to be found. Quickly his eyes moved further down, hand carefully lifting the cream blanket that covered his entire bottom half. He was in stupid hospital clothes. Matching light pink shirt and sweats. He hated it.

"Fuck are my clothes?!" He yelled somehow grabbing hold of Sonic's hand, pulling him close. Shadow took a moment to let his eyes scan the other's body. He was still in his race suit, no cleaner than last time. "And why do you still have yours? Where is my suit?"

"Woah, I wasn't the one who almost died in a fucking fire! Of course, they changed you out of your suit. Don't you have many spares anyway?" Sonic scoffed. This didn't please the other, hand only tightening around the other.

"That suit was my one and only!" Shadow shouted before finally letting go, hand tingling from his force. Clearly, his body hated any sort of movement. Even his throat hurt from yelling.


"Also, what are you still doing here? Having fun watching me suffer?" Shadow spat with venom, his usual scow appearing. Sonic looked shocked for a moment before letting out a huge sigh. His arms crossed over his chest, eyes closing.

"Not really, no. I'm only here because the nurses don't let me leave the building."


"I'm stuck here."

Sonic groaned when a pillow suddenly smacked his face, the earlier awkward smile disappearing, instead replaced with one of pure sadness. One might say he felt betrayed.
His hand quickly rubbed over the stinging sensation left from the impact, left cheek pink and in pain.

"Ow! What was that for?" Sonic cried.

"For being an idiot!"

"You're the idiot!"

"Fuck did you just say?!"

Just as Shadow's arm moved to throw the new pillow in his hand, the door opened with a thud. To the sound, Sonic quickly moved to the side, looking for the person who thought it was a good idea to barge into a room full of yelling. He felt his mouth drop when he saw the fluffy white pillow crash onto his best friend's unsuspecting face.

There was a moment of silence as the cushion fell slowly, landing softly on the floor. The victim's face framed a scowl, eyes darting to look at Sonic.

"H-hey Tails."

When he received no response he sighed in defeat. Head immediately hang low as the other made his way in, a big bag slightly slowing him down. Shadow watched as Tails shoved it onto the table before opening it up, hands searching desperately for something. As soon as Sonic noticed his desperate search, his eyes widened in fear. He dashed towards the younger boy, hands reaching out in desperation.

"Tails don't!" However, it was too late. Shadow let out a short laugh, clearly directed towards Sonic.

"Chili dogs, seriously?"

Tails held out one of Sonic's favorite boxers, little chili dogs decorated everywhere covering the royal blue background nicely.

"It's a limited edition!" Sonic tried, a light blush sat comfortably over his cheeks as he moved to grab the boxers out of Tail's grasp. "How could you?" Tails only smiled.

"It is only fair."

"How?! I didn't even hit you, it was Shadow!"

"It was payback for being so stubborn lately. You need to listen to the nurses!"

Shadow sighed at the sight as the siblings continued to argue. He pushed himself deeper into the pillows as he raised the bed, letting him sit up comfortably. He groaned as he realized rest was not going to be an option.

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