.Getting more and more confused.

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My aunt came from the hospital with Brandon how the hell they met each other? I can't believe that I saw him after two years, basically I didn't want to see him at all.

''Welcome home crazy aunt.''

''Thank you Alice and you Diana. Doctor told me that you saved me.''

''Your welcome aunt you are my family I couldn't leave you.'' I hugged her and then saw turned to Brandon.

''What are you doing here.. and how you found my aunt?''

''Easy girl you won't hug me or kiss me? You have two years to see me.''

''Shut up we'll talk later.''

After one hour of chatting, Diana left the house and my aunt went to sleep now I had the time to shout...

''Come to my bedroom I don't want anyone to see your murder.''

''Always funny..''

We walked into my room and closed the door behind me.

''Can you tell me what the fuck you're doing in California?''

''Oh this I moved out sweetie''

My heart stopped for a second.

''What you mean you moved out?''

''I missed you and I wanted to spend one more night with you.''

''That won't happen and you know it now move your ass from my bed and leave I want to sleep.''

''Whatever you say girl but, soon you'll be mine, remember that.''

He left the house and I was still surprised I didn't want him in my life.. I called Diana and told her everything about today.

''Do you want me to come from your house?''

''No no I'll be alright I just need some time on my own see you tomorrow at school.''

''Ok by girl.'' Tomorrow will be a nightmare I am sure about that.

I woke up for school and dressed up as usual I walked into the kitchen aunt was drinking coffee. I took a cap and put some black espresso.

''Are you ok now?'' I asked her.

''I am fine thanks to you and your friend, why you helped me, you are hating me.''

''Come on now I don't hate you..We may have some difficult times but, you are my family now.''

She cried and hugged me, I hugged her too and then left for school.

I saw Diana sitting on a bench and went forward to her.

''Hello girl what are you doing?''

''I am fine are you ok?''

''Yeap I am trying to forget it but, he won't go so I have to believe it as soon as possible.''

''And I think it's the perfect time now.''

''Why you're saying that?''

''Look over there.'' She pointed with her finger.

I turned and saw Brandon with Bryan talking and laughing. What the f**k

''How do they know each other?''

''This is your problem or that he will be our classmate?''

Holy fuck I forgot that. Why god why do you hate me?

The bell rung and we went to our classes Diana had history and I had math's.

I sat at my desk and listened to some music before MRS. Wills comes. Suddenly I felt the desk moving and someone next to me. I took my headphones out and turned to see who was it.

''Hello baby..''

''Brandon what do you want from me? Go and sit somewhere else.''

''I want to sit with you.. and tell me why you are dressed like this?''

''None of your business.''

He stopped talking and I had the time to observe the lesson.

Time passed and we were over with our lessons. Brandon and Bryan were hanging out, they left together after the class with Tristan to go to a cafeteria. I can't understand what is going on over here.

And still this damn question was stunning my mind. How do they know each other?

What do we have here... Brandon moved out to california and how does he know Bryan???

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