Possessive! Jealous! Vali Lucifer 🍜 (Smut)

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Vali Lucifer was possessive over what belonged to him. Everyone knew that. Azazel learned that a year after he took Vali in. He figured Vali's possessiveness stemmed from the fact that the boy was abused and never had anything to call his own. Of course, Azazel figured out that he was just possessive over his belongings. Clothes, food, toys, blankets, and other things. He didn't realize how dangerous Vali's possessiveness really was until he met Serenity Fujakante. A pretty Werewolf and Electric Kitsune hybrid. Vali fell in love with her at first sight, and Azazel and the others found Serenity's possessiveness adorable. What they didn't know was that while Serenity was naturally possessive over her mate, Vali's possessiveness spiked off the charts. Azazel was worried over the fact that Vali was biting her and kept her by his side, but he let it slide. It wasn't until Serenity was almost raped that Vali's true nature came out in the open. He killed the man who touched her brutally and proceeded to fuck her out of her mind, still covered in blood. That's when Azazel started to worry. Vali was borderline yandere and he tried to warn Serenity who just brushed it off. She knew how possessive Vali actually was. She knew how possessive Werewolves were over their mate. She didn't care because Vali loved her for her. Not for her power and not for her body. Vali never hurt her anyway. Azazel soon gave up and didn't realize that he should have warned Issei before it was too late. Especially since the Red Dragon Emperor didn't realize that Serenity was already claimed by the White Dragon Emperor. Azazel frowned as he sat on the couch, once he realized that Serenity was one of the few girls Issei was aiming for in his harem. "I have a bad feeling about this."

"Hey! Serenity!" Serenity stopped walking as she turned around and saw Issei running up to her. She smiled at him and he hunched over and caught his breath.

"Hello Red Dragon Emperor." Serenity hummed as she handed him an unopened water bottle. Issei chugged it and he smiled at Serenity.

"I told you to call me Issei." The brown haired boy spoke. "Where are you going anyway?"

"I'm meeting up with Vali at this new Ramen shop that opened up." Serenity hummed softly. Issei frowned at the mention of Vali.

"I was wondering why he wasn't with you." Issei spoke under his breath. "He's always with you, ruining my chance to ask you out."

"What was that?" Serenity asked as she didn't hear him.

"Oh I said that you two were always together. Let me walk you to the shop." Issei smiled as she nodded.

"Alright." Serenity giggled as they walked.

"Where is she?" Vali hissed out as he waited for his mate to enter the restaurant. He was worried that she got lost. The noodle shop just opened and it has a high review. Vali heard a familiar giggle and he looked out the window and saw the Red Dragon Emperor with his mate. How dare he try to take her away from him! Vali let out a soft growl and walked outside.

"Thank you for walking me here. Vali should be here already." Serenity smiled at Issei who blushed.

"Anytime. Hey, I have a question to ask you."

"What is it?" Serenity was looking for Vali through the window wanting to find him, to make sure she was in the right place. Issei breathed through his nose and his face was red.

"Will you go out with me?" Serenity froze when she felt a deadly aura and she turned around to face Issei.

"I'm sorry, Issei." Serenity spoke quickly. She knew Vali was there and he was pissed. "I'm dating Vali. I've also given my first time to him too." Issei's heart shattered and he nodded.

"I didn't know. I should have and realized that was probably why you two were inseparable." Issei was upset and Serenity reached her hand out to console him. A hand gripped her wrist tightly.

Serenity x Male! Charactersحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن