Estrangement (Future follow up)

Start from the beginning

"I guess..... I'll go visit him in the hospital later on tonight. Will you go with me?" "Of course! What about the kids though?" I thought for a second. Maybe I did want to take them with me- to see their grandparents for the first time. They were already pally with Auntie Kira, Uncle Kristopher and Kameron and Aunt Kylie- when she was available.

Kimberly, Mom and Dad had yet to see those chubby rosy cossetted cheeks and those twinkling diamond eyes that I had the privilege to see everyday. But not yet.... not while emotions would be high and tear had the high possibility to be shed. They could never fully understand the depinning detail of why I parent the way I do. Why one bedtime story is never enough, while four cookies after dinner isn't a big deal and why hugs and kisses are for anytime, anywhere.

"What about your sister? would she mind?" "No, I don't think so, I'll call her and see if she's available." "Okay," My voice, soft and frail. "Thanks Angus.... I don't know what I'd do without you."

When the slam of the front door banged through the house, my heart stopped for a minute. It was time. The kids were bundled in their sweat jackets, glancing around the house like it was somehow different now; living room lights were off and the only sign of life was of the side table lamp that smoldered the room with a soft yellow hue. It was only the beginning of daylight savings, so the what was supposed to be early evening- late afternoon, became of a midnight ambience. The car ride was silent; Angus occasional loud breathes were what signaled even an ounce of life in the car. Pulling up into the driveway, we were met with Katerina. The sweet mellowed young woman who was filled with empath from head to toe. Sensing the broken pieces of me from the day we met, didn't hesitate clasp me into a warm embrace. I loved that woman- becoming another sister to me and not just in the form of in-law.... but of compliment. 

"Auntie Kat!" Josh yelled, before squishing himself into her arms, sniffling in the fluffiness of her cardigan. Soon the other two followed. I stayed behind in the car, watching from the windshield as Angus embraced his sister, her shoulder length black hair sprawling across his arm. Her eyes met mine- looking back to Angus before making her way over to the car; arms folded and a soft smile tracing her lips. I gave in, getting out of the car and allowing her to cup me into her arms. "I heard Katlin.... I'm so sorry. I know how hard this is for you." A single tear rolled off my cheek, "Thank you so much for watching the kids.... I don't know why this is so hard," She pulled away and looked into the hazel of my eyes.

"Because life can be very hard. It's a lousy situation, because.... well.... you had a lousy parent... or parents, I should say." I nodded, raising my eyebrows for a second. "It'll be okay, Katlin... you're strong, you got this." I nodded, this time allowing a smile to come over. "Thank you." Katerina rubbed my shoulder before making her way back over to the steps of the house. I hugged and kissed each of the children as did Angus before departing in our car. The streetlights seemed like rays of light, skimming past us like we were on a bullet train. The more we approached the hospital, the faster my heart speed up. I can remember feeling the same way only a few times in my life; seeing Dad's car pulling in the driveway, not hearing Tori's first cry- until we did and deciding to publish my book about a sailorman love affair. 

Turn right to Hospital.

The sign became illuminated by the headlights of the car. It seemed like we spent forever trying to find a space somewhere in the parking deck. Eventually we found a space were squeezing the minivan between two trucks wasn't an option. My stomach still in knots, I found myself bungling out of the van and stood against the backseat door while waiting for Angus to come around from the front. "Ready?" I took a deep breath and nodded, grabbing his hand and made our way to the automatic opening door after walking against the concrete of the parking lot. The hospital didn't seem too busy. Only people I could count on my fingers, were waiting in the waiting area. "Hello, we're here for a Mr. Harry Styles? I'm his daughter and this is my husband," The receptionist smiled and looked through her computer. "Of course, room 398, level 4." We thanked her before climbing into the elevators. Angus pulled his arm around me. All I could look at was the black tile of the elevator floor, biting my lip so much that I hadn't realized I was pinching them too tightly. "I'm right here Katie.... don't worry." I gave a small smile just as the doors opened.

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