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The rain was brewing in the background of your apartment outside. The sky's tears trickled down mercilessly up against your windows, tapping them with their increased patters as the wind would occasionally chime in to sway the droplets even harder.

But inside your cozy well heated apartment were you and your boyfriend Harry. The warm aroma of the home mixed with the sweet smell of cupcakes Harry was baking, set a mood for the mid afternoon. On this apathetic day, there was nothing much to do on such a boorish rainy day, but somehow Harry and you found something to entertain yourselves. You scribbled and sketched rambunctiously, daunting an idea as what to draw next aside from intricate flowers, patterned suns or landscaped plainfields.

Rug burn caught your belly from an elongate epoch, the more you laid on the carpet. The cupcake smell made you respire in the sweet that had just popped out of the oven, and were set on the counter to cool before a coat of frosting was to be administered. Harry requested your help in frosting a decorating them with the new pastel nonpareil sprinkles he had just bought from the store. As they cooled, Harry walked into the living room to see what you were doing so far.

"Plan's for dinner?" You asked while erasing some scraggly mutilated drawing you had done. "Cupcakes," Harry snorted which provoked a chuckle in you. "But seriously, how about take out? I don't feel much up to cooking."

"Sounds great! Chinese?" Harry agreed and made a mental note to call for the order around 5. He laid next to you, and grabbed a sky blue colored chalk. He started doodling with you as were making a sun, he drew clouds and a kite. Your grabbed green chalk and drew grass and flower stems, before Harry filled those in with yellow and pink flowers with mix-matching buds of each other color. "I love drawing.....but not as much as I love doing it with you." Harry was trying to be a cheesy romantic. "I love you too." You said, already reading through the awkward words your boyfriend was trying to express, but hasn't yet mastered. 

Harry blushed, making him kiss your cheek soundly and nuzzling his head on your shoulder. After awhile, your stomachs grumbled, sending you into the kitchen to finish those cupcakes, and moving Harry to phone the Chinese restaurant as planned. He ordered the food, while you frosted the yummy confetti flavored mini cakes with the pastel blue frosting and the fancy pastel nonpareil sprinkles that Harry laid out. The cupcakes looked ambrosial as they were displayed in the cake stand, like a painting that had just been shipped to a museum to be looked at by the fancified people who would judge it with hifalutin.

Your dinner arrived and it's smell brought luscious to your nostrils. Harry set the food out on the table, buffet style before you grabbed a plate and put the eggrolls, fried rice, chicken and noodles onto your plate. "Beef and broccoli?" Harry suggested as it was a healthy choice in his eyes. You gave in, and allowed him to put a generous amount on your plate. You two took dinner into the living room to watch a good movie, and then laid on Harry's lap after your bellies were full and you were tired. That night, you both sleeped on the couch dreaming about your 'busy' day.

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