We were young once

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Oh the carelessness of being young and free. The essence of youth sprinkled like a fountain of past days for some. Cynthia, your daughter was feeling the pangs of it though. Her new boyfriend, Greg wanted to take her to a cabin for the weekend and of course Harry jumped at that to say no.

The constant bickering of the father and daughter uprooted your attention from upstairs making you shuffle down with disquietude. "What is going on?" "Mom, dad won't let me spend time with Greg! All I want is to go with him on a little weekend trip up to the cabin,"

"Yn, Cynthia's boyfriend wants to have sex with her and she's not ready! It bonkers that she can't see that!" Your husband's british twang swept neatly across that sentence. But your mind had to frazzle itself against your judgement. "Babe, now.....that does sound like he wants to take advantage of you..." "But mom-" 

"Yn, she's not going....and I don't think she should see him anymore either." Harry was stern in his concern. "I can see Greg whenever I want! You're being completely ridiculous!" "Cynthia, don't talk to your father that way," You said.

"What about the way he's treating me! I'm not six years old I'm almost 19! I can make my own decisions...even if that means I want Greg to take my virginity!" She stormed upstairs to her room leaving you both in utter shock. "Please tell me she said that for shock value..." Harry's voice drifted. "I hope," You glanced toward the stairs, "Lemme talk to her." 

Harry let out a huge sigh. "I want her to grow up of course, I'm not trying to treat her like a little girl......sometimes." Harry looked away disheartened. He sat on the couch, tracing his fingers back and forth with his other hand, looking down. "Harry," You sat next to him, rubbing his back, "Cynthia is growing up....she just needs some room to make her own mistakes that's all. We were young once."

"I know, but it seems like she doesn't want me anymore. I try to protect her and she rebuffs it off like I'm in her way.....we used to be buddies. Now it's either Greg or her friends or whoever.....anyone but me."

You swallowed back a sudden intrusion. "I'm not agreeing with whatever Greg wants to do....but it this really all about him?" Harry shook his head, biting his lip with shame for using his daughter's boyfriend as a tool in getting what would satisfy himself. "I'll apologize.....she needs to know." Harry took hushed steps up the stairs before stopping to Cynthia's bedroom door. A soft knock and small chatter followed then silence. After 15 minutes you decided to check on them to see how they were communicating.

You opened the door to them hugging and Harry burying his head into Cynthia's head. "I love you." He whispered into her ear; soothingly like a baby. "You'll always be my princess."

And indeed she was.

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