Kindergarten crush

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Your daughter, Susan came in with a big smile on her face, grinning from ear to ear. She had just gotten off the bus and already had a little pep in her step. "Hey sweetheart," You greeted her affectionately with a kiss on the cheek and a warm hug. "Hey mommy! Guess what?" You raised an eyebrow, "What?" 

"I have a boyfriend!" You choked. "You do?" "Yeah, his name is Tony, but everyone calls him Mr. Elsher." Mr. Elsher was Susan's teacher. You had to admit he was very charming; he is a very friendly teacher to the kids and is always coming up with new ways to engage the students. That's why you and Harry didn't mind Susan being in his class as he was known to have a very unique but enriching teaching style.

Harry's gonna get a kick out of this! You thought to yourself. The drive home was filled with Susan telling you all about Mr. Elsher and his pet cat, Taffy as they took little trips together. They way she described him; Chestnut brown hair, hazel eyes and a deep dimple on his right cheek, silly, goofy, funny, kind....he was the whole package. Of course in her little 5 year old eyes he was. "Hello my lovies!" Harry said, as you walked through the door with Susan. He scooped her up in his arms and smothered her little face in kisses.

"How was school?" Harry glanced over to see the amused look on your face, casually waiting for her answer. "It was wonderful! Mr. Elsher is so cute!" Harry's eyes widened upon this feedback. "Oh really?" You chuckled upon realizing that was the same response you sent to Susan as well. "Yeah, him and his cat, Taffy go camping together and he gives us candy and hugs us after school is over. He smells like roses." You busted out in laughter, but Harry just still stayed stunned. "Well, your daddy smells like roses too," Susan shrugged. "Yeah." But it was more of an unsure reply. 

You enlivened Harry's broken heart, "His name is Tony," Harry pinched his lips. "Well, Harry sounds better." Susan ran off to play in her room as Harry disappeared in the kitchen. "He smells like roses," Harry mocked Susan's squeaky voice. You lightly punched his shoulder, "Harry!" "I'm sorry. But that...he....gah!" You giggled. "She's just going through a phase! That's her first crush baby!" Harry looked down. "I know, it's just that I'm her number one guy-.....well, at least I was." You gently rubbed your husband's back. "She loves you very much Harry. A Mr. Elsher will just come and go, but her dad is forever." Harry's face perked up. "You're right."

Harry's sense of pride returned upon the cognizance of being Susan's first leading man. As silly as it sounds. 

The next day upon getting home from school, Susan had tripped over some rocks in the driveway. She started crying and ran into the house for Harry. "Daddy! Daddy where are you?!" Harry immediately ran up from the studio and coupled his little girl into a warm embracing hug. "Hey, hey, what's wrong little bug?" "I-I-I fell, and h-h-hurt my k-k-knee." Harry scanned the scraped knee languidly before pressing a soft kiss to it. 

"All better?" Susan nodded, "All better." You ran inside the house. "Oh my gosh, I was out in the yard when I heard Susan cry and I didn't see her-" You looked fondly at the father and daughter hugging each other sweetly. Harry looked over Susan's shoulder and mouthed: "Daddy's girl."

A smile crept across your face as you stared and smiled in awe.

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